This guy uploaded a collection of 1989 - 1993 Kmart background music

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Why do I suddenly feel like buying a whole basket full of cheap crap?


Elevator music can be surprisingly good. Especially when it’s an arrangement of a demented song.

I have a bunch of it from the Seeburg 1000 Background Music system. You can download and enjoy some from the early seventies here:

A streaming service is here:


What a snooze fest!

My favorite elevator music scene:


I worked at a Kmart from '83 to '85 and proud to say I announced several blue light specials in my day. No one else ever wanted to do them but I jumped at the chance. I worked the night shift for a year or so - locked in alone sometimes or usually with a couple floor cleaner guys. Sometimes I’d hang in the electronic’s dept and play the casios over the intercom. Real spooky sounding.


awesome! adding to my music library now.

stream wasn’t loading for me? the page and the gif of the juke loaded, but the space where the player was supposed to be is just a blank square. mac lion/firefox latest. (maybe it’s one of my add-ons gumming it up)

My God why is this man not in prison?


Cool! I’ve been listening to the streaming for a bit now, and frankly, so far it’s all sounding demented. Kinda speedy! Is this what was recommended by the “Efficiency Experts” of the day, to be played in the workplaces, for increased production?

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Well, it’s not as if people went to Kmart for the music anyway, right?


There were three libraries: Basic, Mood and Industrial. Industrial was to make the workers produce more stuff per hour, Basic played in retail stores to get you to buy more of that stuff, and Mood played in restaurants to make you want to drink more wine.

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Interesting. Thank you for the reply.

At 10 minutes on the sample Mark posted, my wife’s ear’s perked up and instantly recognized Human from Human League. She worked retail, but I. Goldberg Army/Navy in Wilmington, Del. She’s been forever damaged.

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LOL - 1.08.10 …the honor America roll, a permanent computerized listing of Americans…

Yeah, I always thought the Reproduction and especially Travelogue albums were so fantastic, but when Dare came out, it was all downhill from there.

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Really awesome, thanks for sharing those. I thought the Wikipedia article on the Seeburg 1000 was interesting, too!

Nice. Here’s an excellent documentary on Easy-Listening music to help others get in an appreciative mood.

YES! The only watercraft I can afford is a $30 inflatable sevylor dingy, but at least I get to listen to some yacht rock while I purchase it!

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I’m imagining the musicians in the studio having to record without belts or shoelaces to prevent suicide attempts.