This Is Fine

Experts told Yle that they are concerned that the change could increase homelessness among young people.

Some 129,000 people in Finland were receiving income support in August, with around one third of them aged under 30.

Kela has said the cuts are likely to hit unemployed youth and those living alone the hardest.



Smackdown Live Reaction GIF by WWE


:confused: :frowning_face:


It is unsettling how bad we’re getting at meeting and having social interactions with people that we meet out in the world, but maybe the most disturbing part of that phenomenon to me is how the dating apps “gamify” dating, presenting a nearly infinite number of possibilities and creating a sense of FOMO that may make it more challenging for some folks to be happy and satisfied with the people they’re with. The whole “paradox of choice” phenomenon that social scientists have written about.

Or at least that’s the impression I’ve got, which may be dead wrong. I was lucky enough to get married before online dating was quite so ubiquitous.


“Meeting online” doesn’t automatically mean “met on dating site”.

Meeting on, say a forum that is about a common interest or hobby is basically the same as “meeting through friends”. Just online.


My wife and I met online, on a site that definitely wasn’t meant as a dating site… twitter. We were part of the same nebulous community there and started chatting one day, her in London and me in Saskatchewan, and now we’re married and here. That’s technically online, but it was really more our mutual friend group on the site that brought us together.

Dating sites are absolutely terrible in my experience. They make meeting people some sort of weird mobile game and I’ve had nothing but bad luck with them. I’ve met one long term partner through them despite having a lot of dates, and my wife has met a sequence of very toxic people on them. I deleted all of mine ages ago because I noticed using them caused me to get really depressed.


“People are just so far gone, it’s honestly making me lose all faith in humanity,” says Washington D.C.-based meteorologist Matthew Cappucci, in a phone interview conducted while he was traveling down to Florida for the storm. “There’s so much bad information floating around out there that the good information has become obscured.”

Cappucci says that he’s noticed an enormous change on social media in the last three months: “Seemingly overnight, ideas that once would have been ridiculed as very fringe, outlandish viewpoints are suddenly becoming mainstream and it’s making my job much more difficult.”

“For me to post a hurricane forecast and for people to accuse me of creating the hurricane by working for some secret Illuminati entity is disappointing and distressing, and it’s resulting in a decrease in public trust,” says Cappucci. He says he hasn’t slept in multiple days and is exhausted. This last week he received hundreds of messages from people accusing him of modifying the weather and creating hurricanes from space lasers.

“Ignorance is becoming socially acceptable. Forty or 50 years ago, if I told you I thought the moon was pretend, people would have laughed at me. Now, people are bonding over these incredibly fringe viewpoints.”


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The United Nations has reprimanded Finland for infringing upon the rights of people in the country’s Sámi region, reports Maaseudun tulevaisuus. The rebuke concerns the granting of two mineral exploration permits in Sámi territories.

The UN found, among other things, that Finland violated the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which encompasses the right of children to maintain their identity. The complaint involves three minor sisters from a Sámi family practicing reindeer herding according to the area’s traditional siida system, according to the agricultural paper.

The UN committee found that when authorities granted the mining permits, it did so without a proper impact assessment and without appropriate involvement of the community.
“The State party [Finland] has not demonstrated how the process of granting the permit under the Mining Act correctly took into account the standards established in international human rights law for the participation of Indigenous Peoples, including Indigenous children, in the decision to grant the exploration permit on the authors’ traditional lands used for reindeer herding, which affected their culture, identity and standard of living,” the UN summary report noted.

The case concerns mining reservations in Finland’s wild northwestern “arm”. These mining proposals led to the formation of the grassroots movement “Ei kaivoksia Suomen Käsivarteen” (No Mines in Finland’s Käsivarsi) in 2020, which collected around 40,000 signatures for a petition opposing the mining initiatives.


A Georgia county official died after he collapsed at the state Capitol following testimony he gave during a hearing about a chemical plant fire.

Kenny Johnson, the Rockdale County Soil and Water Conservation District supervisor, testified on Tuesday alongside business owners and leaders frustrated by the fire last month at the BioLab plant in Conyers, 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of Atlanta. In the hours after the fire, hazardous plumes spread into neighboring counties.

According to the Georgia House Democratic Caucus, the 62-year-old Johnson “complained of shortness of breath and subsequently collapsed in the hallway” after the meeting, local news outlets reported. State Rep. Viola Davis, who is a nurse, administered CPR until medical officials arrived and rushed him to Grady Memorial Hospital. He died later that day.




One can still see how this is fake (the looping of the video, the fact that she was too smooth, how unnatural she looks, also the wildly inappropriate way she’s dressed, among other things). But most people won’t be on the look out for that evidence of fakeness.


It’s still easy to tell if you’re paying attention. My worry is people who don’t pay attention and the very near future, given the rapid development of AI video. What’s it going to look like in another year or two?


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