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“No one special”? Well, we’ll find out when Ep 8 comes out.

I’m inclined to buy the theory that she was one of Luke’s early padawans, left on Jakku in the nominal care of Unkar Plutt for her own protection when the Knights of Ren attacked Luke’s Jedi Academy. It would make a certain amount of sense for Luke to temporarily erase that part of her memory until the right circumstances came along to trigger them.

I mean, he was taught by Obi-Wan and Yoda, and it’s exactly the kind of half-assed protection mechanism they would have come up with. Jedi ain’t the strategic and tactical geniuses they think they are. It’s also plausible that mean ol’ Mister “One Quarter Portion” Plutt (whose hand we see holding young Rey’s arm during that flashback when she screams “No! Come back!” after a departing starship) wasn’t all that mean, and was actually keeping an eye on both Rey and the Falcon for higher-minded purposes than his gruff behavior would initially indicate.

Anyway, I’ll be mildly (and pleasantly) surprised if Rey turns out to be just some rando Force-sensitive, rather than offspring of some Last-Gen Jedi family or similar. But Lucasfilm has gone to the Fathers & Sons well far too often to break the habit now, sez I.

Rey Jinn? Rey Windu? Rey Palpatine? Rey Calrissian? Rey Fett?

Place bets now…

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Rey Fett. Lets go fuller circle. Or even better Rey “My dad has the death sentence on 12 systems” what ever his last name was.


Rey Nadon, daughter of Momaw.

Rebel sympathizer and everything.


Evazan, apparently.

But I think the shocking twist will turn out to be… Rey2-D2.


Do we HAVE to accept the prequel nonsense as canon? Because the “twins born just as Padme dies” thing does flatly contradict the part in ROTJ where Leia talks about remembering her birth mother as “kind but sad.”

Anyway I’m pretty sure that OB/GYN droid used “she’s dying… of a broken heart” in a desperate attempt to avoid a malpractice suit.


Rey is probably going to be the daughter of thingy (er, Jyn Erso) from Rogue One.

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Unfortunately yes. When Disney wiped clean the EU they made it clear that the 6 (now 7) films, The Clone Wars Cartoon, and Rebels Cartoon were all 100% the new canon.

I’m juuuust enough of a sucker to buy the idea that Leia’s variety of Force-sensitivity included a couple of months of pre-natal mother-awareness.

But you’re spot-on about the Sirius Cybernetics nature of that cybermidwife. Hard to buy the idea that Palpatine froze the assets of all his enemies so quickly (Jedi Council, sure. The Organa family? Padme’s family?) that Padme was obliged to use the Galactic Free Clinic, but there we are.

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And I thought she seemed sad on the outside!


Do not use Spice™ if you are pregnant, or may become pregnant.



EDIT: Ah fuck. Screw you, @brzap!



That has bugged the shit out of my for years. Years.


Maybe Force-sensitives form prenatal memories.

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