This Republican strategist says "members of the Church of Secular Science" wear masks to prove superiority

And all this time I thought I was an atheist.

He’s not wrong… we are smarter and morally superior.

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I am reminded of a friend that was asked by a coworker “Are you Christian or Catholic?” When he gave her a look as he attempted to figure out how to answer, she said: "Well I know that Catholics consider themselves Christian.


Don’t MAKE me whip out my geoid model.


Wouldn’t you know my landlord’s wife who I mentioned above- she’s “non denominational” Christian and yet she says that masks barely do anything.

When I told her how difficult it was to work as a liberal in a conservative industry in Machining and gave her exact examples of racist behavior in my shops she said oh I know exactly how you feel, and told me how she used to work in a church in a clerical capacity and had to leave because she couldn’t stand how liberal the church was!

She also home schools her three kids.

These people are worse than the virus because at least the virus can be cured eventually


This is a very deliberate messaging intended to separate the ‘godly’ from people who follow science - and by implication place the Republicans as the representatives of godliness.

When facts and evidence are not on your side, use tribalism and faith.


Or likely even simpler: they realized they’re wrong on just about everything and must build a theory so that they can slowly embrace a pro-mask attitude without admitting their idiocy and subsequent cultural deficiency that cost a huge number of lives.
Many of them probably knew that since months, but hoped in a vaccine so they hadn’t to turn 180 degrees. Now they’re just moving 5 degrees at a time while spreading bullshit to make further noise hoping nobody notices. In the era of political fanboyism, that is, not changing ideas no matter the scientific evidence against them, their most radical voters will follow suit in flipping their anti-mask attitude to a pro-mask one. I would expect them to come out with the most absurd reasons to explain the about face.

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Another thing we do just to prove we are smarter than you is when we use a knife we cut away from ourselves.

And just to show our arrogance, we look both ways before crossing a street.


This is, again, the Republicans projecting.
They have made it political. They abstain from the mask as a political statement.
And, then, inevitably, they accuse the other side of being malign.
The entire hive mind needs a hive psychologist.


Why You Should Wear Facemasks: Pee Edition

Republicans might not get it with the first lesson. To be safe, we also need: Sneeze Edition, Shit Edition, Projectile Vomit Edition, Machine Gun/Infinite Ammo Edition, Alien-style Chest-Buster Edition.

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wow. Everything is a power play with these people, just an amazingly unvarnished admission of how objective external reality and a concept truth that is based on anything besides received authority no longer exists for these fanatics. It’s all about who’s on top - and they think that’s how the rest of the world sees things too. Belief in science is an oxymoron on it’s face and much of the U.S. population has no clue why that is. We’ve totally failed to recapitulate and disseminate the intellectual apparatus required for living in this modern world, it’s by design. De-evolution-by-design.


I wear a mask because there is a pandemic out there.

Absolutely everything else I do is to prove my superiority, but not the mask thing.


You can buy an ointment for that at most drug stores


“when people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together.”
-Isaac Asimov
from The Relativity of Wrong

Perhaps, the best part of science is that it teaches us we’re always at least somewhat wrong. The goal isn’t to be right, the goal is to learn more and improve


Yeah, I never quite got the evangelical “Catholics aren’t Christian” thing. I always want to ask: if the Catholic church isn’t - and more importantly hasn’t - been Christian, and your church split off from theirs, what does that make you?


Doubly ironic perhaps since from I gather of the decree on ecumenism Unitatis redintegratio it holds that the Evangelicals are themselves Catholics in some schismatical sense.


Hey!!! No psychohistory in the chat forum.


Because the Republican base isn’t wearing them.
I honestly cannot understand how you can watch 130,798 people die and 2,777,935 people get sick and still buy into this anti-science nonsense. Is it the 1,164,680 people who recovered? He should ask them how they feel about masks.

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Wait… There’s a Church that we’re supposed to be going to?

I never knew! Why didn’t any of you assholes here tell me?
I’ve been to a Buddhist church, been to jewish temples, even got tricked into a christian bible study meeting once (that one was not what the evening was promoted as), but I have never been to the Church of Secular Science. That really seems like one I could get behind.

I assume that the meetings are all virtual/remote currently. Someone mind sending me a Zoom invite?


Like we would use Zoom…