This Republican strategist says "members of the Church of Secular Science" wear masks to prove superiority

But you don’t have that type of discussion with flat earthers because it’s beyond their comprehension.

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Give 'em a solid “hell yeah”, and carry the logic further.

“Drunk driving laws are bullshit, too! Why should I have to take a cab just because someone’s afraid of a little fender-bender? Life is full of risks!”

“I don’t shovel my side walk either. If you’re so feeble you can’t walk in a little snow, stay home!”

“Why should I care about fire hazards on my property? I’ve got insurance. If you’re worried about the flame traveling, take some responsibility for yourself and get some insurance.”


The Catholics have been suspiciously chummy with Big Secular Science for a while now. The whole field of genetics was started by Augustinian friar Gregor Mendel.


The symbolism is obvious. Being properly masked in public shows you want to protect others. Unmasked means you don’t give a shit about anyone else. Thus the unmasked proclaim themselves as fucktards. Obvious…


That elicited a spoken “Fuckin’ right” from me.

women also don’t – so far as i understand – cover their face in the presence of other women, kids, and their own family – so social distancing and masking for them and the men would still matter.


my convenience is more important than your safety. thanks capitalism.

( also, i’m sorry you have to deal with that. :confused: )


They have regarded science as an evil religion for some time now. Why does anyone find this guy’s words surprising?


I hear you.

Plenty of people–my neighbors–in Texas who are the same way, and say the same BS.

I had an epiphany recently that it doesn’t matter how educated a person is, if her (and I say this as a woman) crap detector is kaput, or if she’s farmed out all her thinking to QAnon or Fox or whatever, then she’s going to keep following bad information, and eventually learn the hard way, this life or next incarnation. I sure would not want to be around when her echo chamber craters.

It’s probably pretty difficult to go shopping for better housing or rentals right now, but man I’d be casting about for a Plan B, looking for a less toxic living arrangement. For your landlords, as long as you pay on time in full, they probably don’t care much what you think. They’re happy to take your money. It’s business. I have been there. They may even pity you for a few seconds, if they think you are deluded somehow.

I am really sorry to hear all this. I get it that you do not love enriching them with your rent money. It’s true that I too vote with my money (among the several ways I do vote), and I too wouldn’t want my hard earned money in the hands of people who have abandoned all reason in an effort to follow The Disrupter In Chief over the cliff and drag the rest of us along with them.

No sociopath is capable of empathy, sympathy, compassion, etc., obviously. I am not speculating as to the mind or condition of anyone in particular. My lived experience is that sociopaths should be avoided to the fullest extent feasible. Sad to say that right now, I know more about this matter than I would ever have wanted to know. And it sucks totally to not feel safe in one’s own home place, rental or not.

I hear you.


I like this analogy, and wish I could pee on their leg if they try to argue it.


So have the Anglicans and the Quakers


The new (well, unmasked) GOP mantra: It’s my God given right to burn society to the ground to usher in the apocalypse my religion demands!


Yup. NOT wearing the mask is the totem.

Except they are my legal landlords.

If I had actually fully unleashed what I really feel I would have put that woman in tears, and probably been evicted.


He fails to mention the totem most closely identified with the Republican base, also used "to demonstrat[e] that they are the elite; smarter, more rational, and morally superior to everyone else.” Namely the gun.

Witness Brooks Brothers Bonnie and Clyde in St Louis, who plainly keep their guns closer to hand than their shoes, since they ran out barefoot to confront people walking on a public street… But we know that “smarter, more rational, and morally superior” means nothing…all they want is to be stronger, to dominate, kill if they must.


Well, OTOH the entire theory of evolution was conceived by C. Darwin, which was a devout anglican and studying to become a priest, but it doesn’t seem like the protestant church had a lot of truck with it.

Ugh make up your fucking minds, am I an intellectual or a sheep?


Republicans aren’t christian in any way christ would recognize.


“Don’t say the kid’s name, Vic!”