Originally published at: This Turkish ice cream looks like rubber and doesn't melt | Boing Boing
I’m not sure that it doesn’t melt exactly.
It’s tastes pretty much like regular ice cream, just with a slightly visco-elastic texture.
Also, buying the stuff is a bit fraught cos it usually involves a version of the three cup game, in public, with ice-cream cones…
If this is the “ice cream” used for the “here’s an empty cone” schtick I want nothing to do with it or the purveyors.
It’s an orchid root, specifically, and they’re quite small so it takes thousands to make a kilo of flour. Salep has been popular enough for long enough (since Roman times, at least) that the various drinks/puddings/ice cream made from it is driving the orchids to extinction and you can’t legally export salep from Turkey.
Ended with a nice cry in Mum’s arms. He’s never going to lives this down.
It could be the base for the next viral challenge.
I was thinking more about the digestive challenge. Doesn’t melt and it’s cold, so that’s not something I could bite or chew.
The goats milk is why this is the ideal ice cream to eat while standing in a tree.
I’m worried that it would gum up the works on the way out. I’m afraid it might not pass - apologies to Bernie.
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