This Washington State Representative has been accused of domestic terrorism and won't step down

Democrat Al Franken is credibly accused of sexual misdeeds: his resignation is called for by his colleagues and he resigns.
Republican Matt Shea is credibly accused of domestic terrorism: national GOP is silent and he simply grins.

Both sides, y’all.


The lips!
Where are the lips?

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The soulless eyes of a singing pizza parlor automaton.


Would the world be safer if we encouraged them to live in one place? We’d just need to get all of their weapons and keep them under surveillance. That should support their belief that the State is out to get them, and help the rest of us to sleep at night…until the enclave gets raided or the members turn on each other. :thinking:


The problem being, y’all qaeda are perfectly willing to use their own minor children as shields and combatants.

It really sucks, seiging a shelter and letting the stupid people’s kids starve and die of dehydration.


Franken wasn’t so credibly accused.

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This whole conversation has head in the wrong direction.

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But the problem is nobody picks up the garbage in Galt’s Gulch. A libertarian enclave breaks down into chaos under its own power. So they will become parasitic in nature. It will end up surviving off welfare fraud, theft of services, and extortion. It will be a public hazard.


Galt’s Gulch is science fiction


I’m imagining they’ll build a wall (and maybe a moat) to keep out undesirables. Would they survive long on streets named Cholera Court and Dysentery Drive? I guess the real problem is they always manage to find con artists to lead them - into using illegal methods to bring in resources the leaders need to support a comfortable lifestyle for themselves.


This is the actual Republican Party

This is the actual Republican Party

Republican party this is actually who you are involving in your shit

Case in point this is the actual Republican Party

I don’t need to make this shit up they make the reality for themselves quite real

So once again this is the actual Republican Party

Republicans this is who are you were electing.

This is why everyone else in the country thinks you are completely fucking insane!


Basically Jonestown prior to its association with a powdered sugary beverage.


Got the t-shirt.


Democratic federal senator gets accused of bad thing and resigns.

Republican state legislator from BF gets accused of bad thing and GOP is silent… because most of them haven’t even heard of him, and don’t have much pressure to use.


Never having actually read Ayn Rand, but having read about the books, it seems like, ironically, it was more or less a feudal society. If the descriptions of the story that I’ve read are accurate, one guy owned the secret valley and those “men of the mind” who had significant resources leased land from him to start farms and ranches. Others on strike against society, but without real resources, worked for them (or ran e.g. a bakery, etc.). So Rand either had no idea of the labor involved in farming and assumed they ran themselves, or she thought a bunch of disgruntled academics would be fine with being reduced to working as laborers on a pig farm and everyone just ignores that bit. Of course, the valley is basically magical, with all sorts of infrastructure, buildings and vehicles that apparently sprung up out of the sheer will of ubermen, rather than being manufactured by workers who needed industrial facilities and supply chains, so…

Real-world Galt’s Gulches (e.g. the one in Chile, with that very name) just turn out to be real estate scams that never get off the ground, so they never even have a chance to break down into chaos. Which seems about right…


Shea’s libertarians want One Race, One Faith, One Law. Calling themselves libertarian is just their quickest route out of a civilization that won’t let them have their racist totalitarianism.


except i doubt a bunch of white supremacists who believe that america should be a white only homeland ( for some arbitrary definition of “white” ) are going to up and move to guyana.

and anyway, i doubt they’d survive very long without the infrastructure we the people provide however much they rail at government and taxes