Thunderdome for Democrats: Harris now leads Biden in California

You win BB for today, Doctor.

Everyone must vote their conscience. Of course, if my conscience led me to an action that helped advance the interests of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, I’d have to ask myself some hard questions.

But, I’m sure if Donald Trump is re-elected, those who oppose him in theory if not practice will have their ideological purity to keep them warm.


God I hope not. But you may be right.

I’d even be content with Kamala Harris. But Biden? That would piss me off.

I hear ya, but I disagree. Even if it were Biden I’d still vote Democrat. I’d jump to my death to get out if this burning building.


Golly, what a principled stand. Rest assured that the Republicans who were nominally against Trump the first time around won’t stand on their principles, because they don’t have any.

Every vote for a candidate who is not the Democratic nominee will help Trump get reelected. If you do not vote for the eventual Democratic nominee you will help Trump get reelected. Sitting on your hands or voting for Jill fucking Stein or whatever other clownshoes third party nominee gets put up this year will help Trump get reelected. If you do not vote for the eventual Democratic nominee you will help Trump get reelected. If the eventual Democratic nominee is Harris and you do not vote for her you will help Trump get reelected. If the eventual Democratic nominee is Biden and you do not vote for him you will help Trump get reelected. (If the eventual Democratic nominee is Gabbard, and I don’t vote for her, I will help Trump get reelected, so if she is the nominee I will vote for her even though I think she is awful and would be the worst Democratic president since Reconstruction.)

I’m sorry that we have a system where this is the case, but it is absolutely the case that every vote for someone other than the eventual Democratic nominee will help Trump get reelected.


We really need to change to a different voting system. Something like RCV. This way you could vote your own conscience as the first rank vote, and then vote for less acceptable choices in order until you’ve voted for every candidate.

This game of trying to pick the one you like best that you also think others will like best is stupid. Eliminate the guessing part.

Side note, in case you live in Maine with RCV voting. Please make sure you rank every candidate. DO NOT stop after ranking only your top candidates, rank every single one. Otherwise, if all the candidates you ranked are dropped, it’s the same as not voting at all. This only makes sense if you think everybody left is equivalent, which isn’t likely. It’s a shame to go and vote and then still end up being counted as if you stayed home if you don’t rank them all.

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Couldn’t agree more, but it isn’t going to happen before 2020, so we’re stuck with these rules in the election that matters right now.


Just a reminder about Bernie: He’s not a Dem. He has never been a Dem. This non-member, having done nothing for the party (or for much of anyone else), broke into the party’s primary process. Why should the party have helped an outsider, rather than a long-time party activist?

Yes, I liked Bernie’s ideas in 2016. Yes, I voted for him in the primary – as an indy. But forget that “rigged primaries” stuff. Bernie received many fewer votes than Hillary. She won there, by the rules.


Amen, sister.


Individual votes don’t matter till they do.


Dammit, Biden is trying to court the illegal alien vote!


His fellow travelers from Outer Space are people too, ya know.


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