Originally published at: Tim Storms, man with the lowest voice, sings "Lonesome Road" | Boing Boing
That’s low by any standard.
Enter that man in the Opera Rigoletto’s Sparafucile competition.
Basso Cage Match: Sparafucile’s Low F
But can he go this slow and low? Slow - SNL - YouTube
His voice gave the subwoofer hooked up to my PC a good workout!
Given that he appears to prefer gospel to all other styles, I suspect metal would not really be his thing. Still would love to hear his demon growl.
Very good, a loudspeaker-shaking basso! It’s good to see someone using well such uncommon (uncommonlow) powers.
I cannot help but point to this other video:
nice and low, in fact the singer says at the start “let’s take it an octave down, my voice is a bit low today”. Also very appropriate for this particular piece.
… How’s his Wellerman?
I think he blew the “Billy o’ Tea” out of the water.
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