Tiny $20 gadget makes handguns fully automatic. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms HATES this

Ah yes, the good old “broken windows theory” that assumes any sort of criminality is a never-ending escalation of worse and worse crimes unless it’s nipped in the bud.


It’s so demonstrably counter-factual, but copaganda and related belief systems seem to have so infected and warped the discourse such that we can’t even have a reality-based societal discussion of the issues.


They probably believe the world is divided into “good” and “bad” people, and any crime, no matter how petty, is an opportunity to remove a “bad person” from the rest of society.


There were countries in foreign parts, Granny had heard, where they chopped off the hands of thieves so that they wouldn’t steal again. And she’d never been happy with that idea.

They didn’t do that in Genua. They cut their heads off so they wouldn’t think of stealing again.

Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad


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