Maybe, but I think that is far more true of indoor/outdoor cats that don’t need to depend on their skills to stay alive (except the skill to not get run over, and to run the hell away from tiger meaner animals), but do at least exercise them from time to time. As opposed to full time indoor cats that may struggle to recognize anything other then kibble as actual food (my cats refused to eat cooked turkey for example “WTF is that!”), expend most of a day hunting and failing to catch a fly, and growl at far larger cats through the window.
Also one of my cats is almost pure white, the sun kills them pretty quickly (not as in “dusts when exposed like a vampire on Buffy”, or even “over a day”, but they get skin cancer at greatly accelerated rates, so might only last two years even if she manages to figure out how to hunt (hard with one lazy eye), avoid dangerous things (she is actually great at that as she attempts to avoid everything), and learn that food doesn’t come only in the form of kibbles (might happen if she gets hungry enough, might)).
On the other hand, both cats have had all their vaccines, so please don’t lump them in with the fools in Oroville.
An interesting legal point, as in “I wanna do everything I wanna, and you can keep paying the bills! Wah wah wah”. Legal-eagling at its finest.
Apart from that, I would so like to see certain people understand that this was supposed to be literature, not a blueprint for the future.
Put up checkpoints, barricade the roads and refuse to issue visas to leave their “country” and enter ours and charge tariffs on their exports.
If they want to play stupid games, let’s go all in. You don’t arbitrarily get to pick and choose what laws you will follow here in terms of protecting the general welfare.
I’m normally a mild social darwinist and don’t care if people do stupid things but viruses are not respectful of boundaries and what you do to yourself may spread to others against their will.
This country is dying a slow death by stupidity. I fear the madmen have won and you can now pick and choose your version of reality with no need to consult actual facts and the opinion of the guy pumping out your septic tank but who can’t explain the difference between a virus and a bacterium is just as good as that of a doctor who has spent a lifetime studying epidemics when it comes to Covid.
I’m going to venture a guess that Team States’ Rights won’t immediately start clamoring for the California National Guard to deal with this fairly significant violation of the powers of states that are actually constitutionally recognized?
Those rates are not too bad actually, surprisingly. A bit better than the national average in infection rate, and quite a bit better for the mortality rate.
I picture checkpoints on every road out of Oroville. Orovillian on her way to work comes to checkpoint, “paper’s please”. Orovillian says “here’s my California driver’s license”. Custom agent “I’m sorry this is no longer valid, Oroville is no longer part of California you’ll need a passport”. Ororvillian “oh ok here is my US passport”. Custom’s agent “Sorry this is not valid you are no longer a US citizen, you are an Orovillian, and your country is not recognized by the state of California or the United States government”. Custom Agent, raises gun and tells the Orovillian “turn your car around go back to Oroville”.
Orovillian as she turns the car around notices the electric company disconnecting the phone, cable, and electric lines going into Oroville. She thinks at least we have our Orovillian freedom and have been Mask and vaccination free since twenty-one. Orovillian calls home and tells her partner “Unfortunately I’m not feeling too well and there is no way out now. I know Grandma died and Granpa’s on a vent, but at least I am vacine free and I can kind of breath without a mask, when I’m not coughing. It would have been nice to go to the hospital one town over, where the earth ain’t flat and the electricity is still running but that is not a possibility when you are an Orovillian.” So it goes.