To see what Trump will do to America, look to his disastrous walled Scottish golf course

Isn’t that what they’re doing anyway while Pence and the GOP establishment run things?

Fascist Weekend at Bernie’s.


I don’t know if the GOP establishment has been invited yet.


Well, there is authentic goosebump stuff in Trump’s Twitter feed to be sure, but not in a good way…

He’s actually accused of grabbing them; it would be an improvement if he was one. Using parts of the body as insults is something I find depressing because it means we’re not past the Abrahamic religious attitude of hate of the body.

Surely the most depressing things is the politicians that were taken in by Trump? Electing better politicians would be a step forward and I actually think that Scots have started to do that*. The English on the other hand…our new MP is a vacuum.

*edit - I think Salmond has Trumpish elements based on his pronouncements; Sturgeon and Davidson add an element of credibility to the Scottish parliament.

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We’ll see how much he’ll actually be able to get done without the GOP establishment…


They’ve been bowing to him 24/7 and mostly getting things they want, who is going to get in their way?


I agree. At this point, there is no reason to think he’s going to go against the party. But if he manages to alienate them, I can see them not playing nice with him. He does tend to think he can do whatever he wants, all by himself. I think he’s going to learn in quick lesson in how that’s not really so. At least, I hope so.


The GOP establishment knows they can use him, they’ll coddle him and stroke his ego and let him call them names so long as he keeps delivering.


Sure, but what if he doesn’t stay on message/task, despite all the coddling and ego stroking? At what point in this whole fiasco has he ever done what anyone’s told him? That doesn’t mean he won’t, but I think it’s a possibility that he won’t be their stooge, especially considering that much of his core support were from people already alienated from both political parties.

Both are possible, I think.


Going to be a busy day for someone in order to winnow that thing down to someone useful.

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I hope you are only suggesting it will be a psychiatrist going round with an incapacitometer. Unfortunately the U S Constitution says nothing about tweeting while President-elect, but perhaps that should be considered for an amendment.
…incapacity, such as using social media while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; being orange in public; contradicting oneself in public pronouncements; showing a predilection for gold plating: death, resignation, or removal from office by impeachment and subsequent conviction or upon the opinion of two psychiatrists that marbles are deficient of a sitting Presdient or President-elect.

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