To understand the Trump campaign, study real-estate developer hustle

It seems that Trump has been very good at paying himself with campaign funds and very poor at raising them. Essentially he has been grifting his supporters and the GOP coffers.

I was talking to people who thought his campaign being in debt would somehow hurt his campaign and I was baffled. Is the GOP just going to fold up the presidential campaign because Trump runs out of money? I highly doubt it.

Pointing out his campaign is in debt as a way of pointing out that he is running a scam on the GOP, though, that makes a lot of sense.

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Where a campaign in debt becomes problematic is in ā€œthe ground gameā€ of an election. Staff in various states, advertising, event planningā€¦ More likely than not, he will stick the party with the bills for this stuff. By doing so, it will hamstring GOP candidates for state and local elections.

Films have a lot of revenue streams, theatrical releases being the least of them. A disastrous production can edit something together, avoid theatrical releases entirely and still have several different revenue streams to recover costs and even potentially make a profit. (Especially with ā€œHollywood accounting.ā€)

Which shouldnā€™t surprise anyone because thatā€™s exactly how he runs his business deals. (See, for example, the sad narrative of the Trump Taj Mahal casino. Sad, that is, for his business partners, not himself.)

How much money does the party itself have for the election? Donors just arenā€™t going to give Trump the money because a) they donā€™t like him, and b) they know heā€™s going to use the money to line his own pockets anyways. So corporate donations are gone, individual donations have dried upā€¦ All they can do is shift money from other things, but how much is that? And are they willing to sabotage other races for this? Theyā€™re not willing to just give up, but they donā€™t seem willing to support him either.


You can explain it even better by familiarizing yourself with the work of various con artists.

He makes some very sensible and rational points, but his twitter bio makes me question exactly how rational he is.

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So heā€™s a Stopped Clock in this case. And you can be completely rational and be a pro-birtherā€“it all depends on your starting/underlying philosophical premises. Admittedly, those starting premises have to include or be near the concept that a womanā€™s purpose in life is that of being a mother above all else, but it is possible to be rational and a pro-birther. It just requires not including in the starting premises any concepts about equality and personal autonomy.


I seem to recall that his early ā€˜outsiderā€™ appeal was precisely that he was using his own money instead of GOP money for his campaign. Itā€™s nice to see that heā€™s finally having to use his own money.


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