Today in transphobia (Part 2)

Not only have we already been through this but at the time the misinformation highlited the danger of unmoderated social media.

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Good lord, I popped onto Xitter just to see if I could find the post, and some stupid story about Nephilim in a Miami mall is trending. Xitter is exponentially getting wackier and wackier. I didnā€™t even bother trying to find the Raichik post.


Holy shit! (Or wholly shit) Yeah, get the hell out of there if at all possible. I very much doubt the trans population is numerous enough to affect the vote significantly. We cis folk need to fix this disaster, they need to protect themselves.


There is no chance, and I mean no chance at all, that that law will be found constitutional by any court in the country. No fucking way. Iā€™d be shocked if it passed.


I wish I had your faith. I am increasingly of the opinion that ā€œlawā€ and ā€œconstitutionalā€ are meaningless concepts where the fascists have taken control.


Well thatā€™s why we need to make sure Trump isnā€™t reelected, and it would be great if we flip the House back and keep the Senate. It seems like most voters are blaming Republicans for the mess the House is in right now, so I have hope for that. I donā€™t know about the Senate. But yeah, this is a critical time. If a Republican takes the White House, and the GOP regains the Senate, I would expect Thomas and Alito to immediately retire and be replaced by people who make Mussolini look like a flaming lefty. And they will be young. Shit, Trump would probably try to put Stephen Miller on there.


Itā€™s critically important for all trans people- especially those in Florida and similar states - to get their passport so they have a valid ID that reflects their gender identity. And to change your gender with the social security office. Get a passport card to carry with you too!

The State Department changed the policy requiring gender surgeries - thanks Hillary & Barack!


And yet, the moves announced by DeWine on Friday go beyond the legislation he vetoed, affecting adult care as well.

A state rule is also being proposed that would create significant restrictions on care for all ages. A multidisciplinary team would be required for all gender-affirming care ā€” including at least an endocrinologist, bioethicist, and psychiatrist. A ā€œcomprehensive care plan,ā€ with informed consent about ā€œrisks,ā€ and extensive mental health counseling also would be required under the rule. ā€œIt needs to be lengthy and it needs to be comprehensive,ā€ he said.

Another proposed rule would require aggregate, non-identifiable data collection for all gender-affirming care for people of all ages.

Informed consent is already required for all medical care. WTF. Most of this sounds pretty similar to WPATHā€™s standards of care, with the exception of requiring specific specialists like endocrinologists (a good idea anyway), and a bioethicist (I repeat, WTF).

I also donā€™t necessarily hate the idea of data collection, as long as itā€™s not traceable to the patient. There is a dearth of good, long term data on gender affirming health care, even for adults, but especially for minors. There just havenā€™t been a lot of well designed studies.

Overall, thoughā€¦WTF. But based on the comment he made when he vetoed the legislation, Iā€™m not really surprised. He telegraphed this move.


Just to link to what I said when he vetoed the legislation:

In other words, he agreed with the legislation, but he thinks an executive order has a better chance of withstanding a constitutional challenge. Fuck Mike Dewine.


Iā€™m sorry to keep commenting, but the more I think about this, the more it pisses me off. Dewine is trying to have it both ways. He wants to tell moderates ā€œLook, I vetoed this anti-trans legislation!ā€ And he wants to tell the MAGAts, ā€œLook! I issued this anti-trans executive order!ā€ Fuck this guy. This is the final nail in the coffin for me to the idea that there is any such thing as a reasonable Republican. Fuck that whole party and anyone who voted for any of them, at any level.


Only shocked that it took this long. The party has been damned near lockstep behind Il Douche, and even the ā€œreasonableā€ ones like Cheney and Christy are utterly unacceptable in pretty much every position they take. Yeah, there is no redeeming quality to that group anymore. None.


I never had Cheney and Christie in the reasonable camp, because they both supported Trump until Trump either rejected them, or just went too far for them. The ā€œreasonableā€ camp, to me, consisted of the likes of Dewine, John Kasich, and whats-his-name from Maryland, because they had all been pretty consistent in their opposition of Trump from day 1. But no more. Iā€™m done. If youā€™re still willing to call yourself a Republican, even as a voter, Iā€™m done with you.


Larry Hogan

Episode 1 Applause GIF by Friends

Yeah. I have one friend who is nominally a Republican, but he doesnā€™t vote on national positions and is embarrased by the MAGAt crowd. :man_shrugging: Iā€™ve purged myself of all family connections who are pro-Republican.


Fortunately, most of my family are lifelong liberal Democrats. My parents are white Texans born in 1939 and 1941, and they both not only hate Trump, they couldnā€™t stand Reagan. Not everyone drinks the Kool-Aid down there.


I go through Planned Parenthood, that requirement would end my access to healthcare.


UVAā€™s trans clinic is a multispecialty set up run through the endocrinology dept. But as always, the bugaboo is access.