Today in transphobia (Part 2)

The whole series makes more sense when you realize that Rowling was rooting for Voldemort and the Death Eaters from the beginning.


You weren’t the only one. The series had a huge following among LGBTQ people. Emphasis on had.


It has been my experience that understanding is immaterial to accepting. Trans is something I have never experienced, something I have no basis for comparison, and that is all OK. I can say the same about women, any other flavor of LGBTQ, Black or any other racial minority. I am a straight, cis, white guy, and that is my lived experience. That does not mean I have issues accepting anyone else, but no, I can absolutely say I don’t understand it fully. One of the great benefits of this place is hearing those voices speaking their lived experiences. It’s a beautiful thing, if one will pay attention to it.


That’s a pithy and funny comment, but… it’s not true.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters are very obviously the villains, the patronizing racism of the Ministry of Magic and their “Let’s do nothing so the public won’t panic” approach to Voldemort’s rise are directly skewered, and all along diversity, friendship and acceptance are valued.

Yes, there’s a lot of clumsy stuff and unexamined prejudices and so on, but the HP books really aren’t bad. That’s why JKR swerve into this blatant bigotry came as such a surprise for so many people, and why so many HP fans (former, and remaining) feel so betrayed.

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I encourage you to watch this video. There is a lot of problematic stuff in the books.


But…Joe Biden is old! I’ve been assured this is unacceptable and we have to tell him to resign. (A friend literally said this on Facebook this morning)


Yes and no. There were a lot of things in the books that struck me as beyond strange, like the author was torn between what was expected from her readers and what she thought was right and just. The extensive, breathless abuse of children throughout is striking. The behavior of Dolores Umbrage in particular read to me as more of an icky fantasy exploration by the author than simply writing in a villian.


That sounds like an excellent political strategy. :woman_shrugging:

If you’re RFK, Jr.


Cross posting from BLM topic:




The police are saying Nex Benedict didn’t die from the wounds they suffered in their beating. Bullshit.


American Horror Story Liar GIF

Mad Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room


I don’t know. I can think of a few ways that the death and the assault could be portrayed as “not directly connected.” None of them are good, though, and i will not speculate. I just hope the truth will come out. This stinks to high heaven.


Boatman said the medical examiner did not explicitly tell him that Nex "did not die from something as a result of that fight." But that’s how Boatman interpreted the medical examiner’s comments. Boatman also said the medical examiner “emphasized they are waiting for toxicology,” which Boatman interpreted as “kind of a red flag.” Boatman said he is “assuming when I get that [toxicology report] back, something’s going to be there.”

I hate how they keep characterizing this as a fight. It wasn’t a fight. It was an assault. Multiple people ganging up on one person is not a fight. And waiting on a toxicology report is not a red flag. It’s standard procedure for an autopsy like this. If criminal charges don’t come out of this, the FBI needs to step in. This was almost certainly motivated by Dex’s gender, and that makes it a hate crime, and that makes it federal.


I don’t know if anything in this video has been verified, but if any of it is true, then it’s horrifying and pretty much the school needs to be shut down entirely, and the entire staff needs to be brought up on charges… I am half way through it, and it’s full of very triggering descriptions, so please don’t watch it if you think it will be hurtful.

I’m half way through it, but if people don’t want to watch it, he claims the school has a recent history of brutalizing queer and trans kids, including one case where another student committed suicide, and another kid who was raped in the bathroom as a means of change them, (conversion therapy, BS). Again, I don’t know what of what he’s saying here is true, but if any of it is, then this is fucked.


I don’t know if it’s true, either, but this is also the school where Libs of TikTok targeted a teacher who was pro-LGBTQ and forced her to quit a couple of years ago. So it wouldn’t surprise me.


Either way, he’s 100% correct that the DOJ needs to look into this school. The death of Nex shows that…