Today in transphobia (Part 2)


Reading that article, I’m confused as to why the school settled. It seemed like the judge was more sympathetic to the school’s position and that the coach didn’t have a very strong case at all. I guess they felt this was cheaper and less risky than going to trial. Which I get, but this is just going to encourage other transphobic assholes in our schools to spew their hatred.



Ok, so let me say, we are short of teachers in VA. The pay may suck, but supporting your students is allowed. You can apply today!


For now…

This shit is happening in almost every state in the country right now. This is one of many reasons why the elections in November are so important. We cannot let Republicans gain control of all branches of government and state and local governments. We really need a blue wave or this is going to get worse.


I was trying to understand what “material support” meant but the law seems to be vague enough, maybe deliberately so, that even just using a student’s preferred name and pronouns could be a crime. Not surprisingly the legislator also considers children property:

“Ultimately, whose children are these? They belong to the family that they come from. If there is a situation where they don’t have that parental or guardian to go back on or to talk to, there is other help, professional help they can get,” Gragg told the outlet.

Of course there’s no explanation of why that “other help” couldn’t be a school counselor even though they are professionals.


They want that other help to be a right wing Christian church who will tell them being trans isn’t real and send them to a reeducation camp, aka conversion therapy.


I’m shuddering to think what the GOP description of that job might be, in a world where they’ve managed to eliminate the school nurse in far too many schools. :cry:

withstand climate change GIF by University of Alaska Fairbanks





Fuck Tommy Tuberville and all those other assholes. And you know what, fuck the Space Camp people for their response of “Any allegations of misconduct are taken very seriously.” There were no allegations of misconduct. The allegation is simply that a trans person exists and is employed there. They should have backed that employee up and supported them without reservations.


“I don’t hate these people, man,” Yarbrough said.

Why even lie like this at this point? If you are trying to get someone fired without them having done anything you obviously hate them. And honestly, if you truly believed they were there threatening children it would be fine to hate them – this is admitting that he knows they’re not, he just doesn’t care because he’s scum.

I mean, I’ll own up to hating some people. I’ve never heard of him before, but Clay Yarbrough is one.


But the most insidious source of the anti-trans movement in this country is, quite simply, liberals. Butler, in their survey of the political landscape, misses the liberal faction altogether. I suspect this is because the anti-trans liberal sees himself as a concerned citizen, not an ideologue. He is neither radical nor a feminist; he is not so much trans-exclusionary as he is broadly skeptical of all social-justice movements. He is a trans-agnostic reactionary liberal — a TARL. The TARL’s primary concern, to hear him tell it, lies in protecting free speech and civil society from the illiberal forces of the woke left, which, by forcing the orthodoxy of gender down the public’s throat and viciously attacking anyone who dares to ask questions, is trafficking in censorship, intimidation, and quasi-religious fanaticism. On trans people themselves, the TARL claims to take no position other than to voice his general empathy for anyone suffering from psychological distress or civil-rights violations.
The leading voice for such ideas in the United States is the Times. In the past several years, the paper has vigorously normalized the idea that sustained public debate over the rights of trans kids is not only justified but urgent. In 2022 alone, it devoted more than 28,000 words to the topic of trans youth, including a lengthy New York Times Magazine piece by staff writer Emily Bazelon on the “unexplained rise in trans-identified teenagers.” The paper paints a consistent picture. Genuine transgender people, its reporters suggest, are a very small clinical population of adults with a verified mental illness whose persistent distress entitles them to gender-affirming care like hormone therapy and transition-related surgeries. Trans-identified youth — whose numbers, we are told, are “small but growing” — are beset by comorbidities like depression or autism spectrum disorder that stymie clear diagnosis, yet they are being rushed into life-changing treatments that many of them may later regret, as evidenced by the cautionary tales of people who detransition later in life. To make matters worse, the “overheated political moment,” inflamed by both right-wing backlash and the strident tactics of trans activists, is preventing the medical Establishment, which is trusted implicitly, from coming to a sober consensus.


It’s always so jarring when the classical definition of “liberal” is used in the context of US politics and society. There’s nothing liberal (in the latter definition, left of fascist) about the NYT.


Unless i missed something in the story, the issue for these asshats was not any action on this person’s part, but their simple existence. Anybody who thinks that is ok needs to fucking get a life. There are way more pressing problems than “OMG, a trans! Whatever shall we do?” Nothing more than recycled gay phobia, whoch was recycled racist phobia. They only have one playbook.


I don’t know that that’s the definition being used there. I would not describe people on the clear left in the US as liberal, even in the US usage, although people on the right certainly would. I mean, politicians like the Clintons, Obama, and Biden are typically described as being liberal. I think that article is using liberal in that sense. Not in the sense the rest of the world uses it, which is something closer to libertarian. There are people in the US who are otherwise liberal (in the US usage) in their politics who are questioning gender affirming healthcare for minors. I see it a lot from a lot of my gay male friends. They’ve never voted for a Republican in their life, but they’re supporting laws banning trans women and girls from competing in women’s sports and supporting laws banning gender affirming care for minors. It’s driving me nuts. It’s another example of liberals buying right wing talking points, just as they did with Hillary Clinton in 2016 and are doing now with Biden’s age. It amazes me how easily those slightly left of center can be influenced by the propaganda of the right.


The Office Yes GIF


Definitely fair. I guess I got hung up on the idea of the current NYT being considered liberal by anyone but the reddest of redcaps.