Today in transphobia (Part 2)

That is seeking the desired outcome and torturing the data until you get what you want. Dishonest, transphobic bullshit. The TERs will jump all over it, though.


Studies and research made by scientists, I say real scientist, do prove my point of view.

Oh, I listen to It everyday. I wish I could roll my eyes to show how I die inside.


Because cis kids are never angry at their parents, right? Do they even taste the bullshit coming out of their mouths? (I’m not even going into the whole “fetish” thing. Fucking assholes.)


The article says “if the kid decides they is trans because reasons, the Colorado government will actively encourage it”. Which is great.

It does not say that these reasons automatically turn kids trans. Though who knows, the hatred of the Republican types knows no bounds and accepts no logic.

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“If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you,

This is part and parcel of the “transtrender,” trans-as-a-choice, trans as rebellion, or as a fuck-you to parents. This is all bullshit, as I hope we all are well aware. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria and all the “social contagion” hypotheses have been thoroughly debunked over and over and over again. When you begin with the unshakable knowledge that trans is not a real thing, the rest just follows. Hate does not need logic, it only needs a target.


A brilliant article from an unlikely source:


I think I’m going to plan to be outside of the country Jan 2025; just in case.


Such a weird response from the superintendent. First, she says this:

“This event was not intentional on our part and has been identified as a weakness of vetting guest speakers or school assembly groups who are coming to our schools. I have already talked to the board about this. We love our students and never want to put them in uncomfortable or unsafe situations. Please accept my apologies,” wrote Lisa Arnold, school superintendent, on a social media post addressing the issue.

Then, she later says this:

The district’s social media post alluded to forthcoming changes in its vetting procedures, but Arnold later said nothing would change, “We can’t ask those things. That’s illegal.”

The complaints didn’t come from students. They came from audience members, who should have been told to grow up.


Sounds like somebody is getting a Daily Caller tv series


Even her family thinks she’s a shithead


I’ve skimmed some of that transcript and it’s not completely accurate.

When the ACA was as being passed quite a few people noted that the he nondiscrimination statements did not include gender identity as protected and advocated for that specific inclusion. Regulation did not exist prior to passing, of course; and hoping for regulation being promulgated to include the community was called a poor and short sighted strategy.

And that it could be revoked in seconds by any subsequent administration if promulgated and wouldn’t enjoy the same respect by the courts or the states. Some of us went to DC to discuss this with Congress members - myself being one of them.

The advocacy orgs did not support those actions- choosing to throw their lot in with the regulatory approach and rely on assurances from the administration that all would be fine and don’t rock the boat.

They were wrong. And it was Biden within the Obama Administration pushing trans equality more than other parts of the Administration. He had personal relationships with trans people through his son Beau.

The regulations including gender identity were promulgated by the Biden administration. A final rule notice in 2020. That interpretation and the one in 2021 that revised it subsequent to Bostock vs Clayton County.


“On October 14, 2022, in Neese v. Becerra, 2:21-CV-163-Z (N.D. Tex.), the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas certified a class of “all healthcare providers subject to 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.” On November 22, 2022, the court entered final judgment in the case. In its Judgment, the court set aside the Notice and stated that “Plaintiffs and members of the certified class need not comply with the interpretation of ‘sex’ discrimination” articulated in the Notice. The court also declared that, as applied to the certified class, the prohibition on “sex” discrimination in Section 1557 does not include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. OCR will continue to receive complaints and conduct investigations under its authorities prohibiting sex discrimination to the full extent not prohibited by court order.”

But two other federal districts upheld the regulations and interpretation of the Notice of Interpretation. So you have to rely on the Supreme Court to resolve this he issue within the district overturning that Notice.

Is moving that forward under this Supreme Court a wise move? Would they side with the Texas court and overthrow those regs nationwide? I wouldn’t want to risk that right now.

But - you know- some of us saw this coming when we were specifically left out of Obamacare. No one listened to us. Not the pols, not the advocacy orgs. Not the Human Rights Campaign- not the National Center for Transgender Equality. They were the perspicacious pros who knew how the world worked.

Really, now? How smart are you feeling now? How stupid were the rest of us?


It seems bigoted to be so worried that their kids are turning into Scotsmen.