Today in transphobia (Part 2)

I am simply pointing out ridiculous thinking of those on the wrong side of history. Of course Semenya is a woman, just as Francine Niyonsaba and Margaret Wambui. They all won medals in 2016 Olympics, and that is empowering!

Are you proceeding from the premise that biological sex is strictly binary?


That’d be quite a surprised to all my non-binary friends and relations!


They’re all valid, and it’s beautiful.

If you’re not questioning someone’s being a woman; why would you bring up what gametes you presume they have?


That was very much not clear from what you wrote.

If you’re doing the devils advocate thing, which I would really advise against in a thread about transphobia and filled with trans people and allies, you should probably make that clear.

The devil doesn’t really need an advocate anyways.


What about someone with Swyer syndrome? Syndromes like this plus being born intersex, etc. adds up to about 2% of the population everywhere in the world. Just because a doctor calls you a boy or girl at birth doesn’t even mean it’s true at the purely physical “biological” (as you put it) level.


I am shamelessly stealing this quote.


Have a gif too!


Even that is super fuzzy. How do you define biological sex?

Chromosomes? I’m probably XY, but for all I know I’m XX with SRY transposition. I’ve never had a karyotype test done.

Hormonally? Well my T and E levels are in the cis female range.

Mentally? I’ve never fit in with men and always related more to women. There is evidence that trans people’s brains are more similar to their assumed gender than their assigned one.

I have female-typical secondary sex characteristics.

I may have male parts now, but I have an appointment next week to discuss changing that.

Sure I don’t have a uterus or ovaries, but loads of cis women don’t either.

Gametes? I don’t produce any, though I used to. But if you’re going off what I used to produce and call me a man because of that, people will look at you funny because I definitely do not fit the conception most people have of ‘man’ at all anymore.

I am seen societally as a woman, I’m discriminated against in the same way as women are, I interact socially as a woman, I live as a woman, and I AM a woman.

The ‘M’ on my health card is old news, just waiting for a letter and it won’t even be there anymore.

Call me their father, and my kids will fight you.

For all intents and purposes, I am a woman. The fact I had to do some work to align my body with that is completely irrelevant in every context but the minds of transphobic bigots.

What I ‘was’ is does not matter. What I am is what’s important. /rant


Check This Out Cookie Monster GIF by Sesame Street

All of this! There is plenty of scientific and medical evidence to back up everything you have said. There are lots of AFAB who are XY and don’t find this out until they don’t go through puberty. Are they “male” then? Hell, no! Trans women’s brains on MRI are much more similar to typical female than male. But the fact is that nature is not binary in anything. Everything is a spectrum, bar none. Clouds and boxes, as usual. Personally, I find I have a full-time job figuring out me. I certainly do not have time to dictate to anyone else how they must be.



Wow, that’s an attitude…

I think I hate it.


The law in most states currently allows older minors who are having mental health issues (depression, addiction, anxiety, etc) to access certain health care services without notifying the parents, especially if the minor is in a situation where the parents are part of the problem, or are going to make things worse if they find out. Many states also allow a minor to have an abortion without notifying parents. I doubt if Brianna Wu would say either of those is bad law.


We call that the “Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll” exceptions. Minors (in VA) over 14 can seek treatment for sexual issues, addiction/substance abuse and mental health disorders without parental consent. What they cannot do, and this becomes an issue, is have said services covered by parents’ insurance without generating an EoB. So, all cash out of pocket. Not ideal. But also, varies state to state.


Interesting. That’s not what my Ethics in Health Law class called it. I don’t think they gave it a specific name.


There are state resources that will help the family abuse those kids.

Tell me you live in Massachusetts without telling me you live in Massachusetts.


I went and checked her account on Xitter. She is being really stubborn and refusing to acknowledge that she might be wrong about this, even with people she knows, likes, and respects telling her she’s wrong about this. She also keeps framing it as the school somehow taking control of the child’s transition, or helping the child to transition, and I don’t know where she’s getting that. All this is saying is that the school can’t inform the parents if the student doesn’t want them to. And she keeps saying that we need the support and help of these parents in order to keep access to gender affirming healthcare, and I’m like…I would love to get buy in from MAGA people to keep Trump from getting elected President again, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. The supportive parents will be told by their kids. Maybe not immediately, but pretty quickly. Unsupportive parents are not going to magically become supportive by the school narcing on their kid to them. I don’t understand her thinking. At all.


I don’t know exactly what’s happened to Brianna Wu but she’s been going down a very transphobic path for a while and it’s really heartbreaking since she used to be a pretty solid pro-trans person.


Joanne got to her, maybe… :sob: