Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/22/today-marks-the-20-year-annive.html
20 years? how can this even be possible??
Song of the summer, 1999. The song to make you forget about Y2K.
Video shot in Daytona Beach - “The Spring Break Capital of the World”
I wonder if Microsoft every hired them to play at MS Build?
I had always assumed that the song had not spread beyond Canada.
I like that song. It came out when I was 21, just moved in with my girlfriend and dropped out of college and went to work at the dot com. The world was so full of promise!
Much like the World Series, it’s easy to be number one when no-one else is competing.
I always feel obliged to post this follow up, even though it’s getting pretty dated.
I love this song. Still works for Summer.
God damn it Rob, stop reminding me of my own mortality and post some pictures of bananas instead.
Dude, I won’t lie, I think that’s a fantastic pop song.
Through the lens of 20 years and a post 9/11, “post truth” world, the kind of optimism we had at the end of the late 90’s just feels unreal to me. The world was still a seriously broken place, and we had virtually all of the same problems that we have now plus a lot of other things were much worse/being more blatantly ignored, but it felt less scary.
It is a damned catchy tune though.
Basically the worldwide radioplay hit of summer '99.
Despite looking like a precursor to Jersey Shore…
There were a lot of great 1999 songs. This wasn’t one of them. Though still less offensive than Every Morning, Livin’ La Vida Loca, All Star, and Mambo No. 5.
Appropriate palate cleanser:
I hear you. In my tiny corner of the universe things actually turned out great, though. I didn’t get many of the things I thought I wanted, but the things I did get were so much better.
And at least 1999 gave us this.