Today's mass shootings


… upthread and downthread, a horror-clownshow and Vox journo Aaron Rupar tracks it all; he’s got a stronger stomach than I do.

Texas is the Texas of America alright, and as a quasi-Austinite, I am sorry that Ted Cruz still somehow is our U.S. senator. We deserve better. Beto almost licked him last election.

May the saints and spirits have mercy on every single one of us.

I’m going to be AFK for a few days.
Do some home repairs.
Car repairs.
I need a break.


But they’re just using it to illustrate a point about how the news in their 24 hours rolling coverage consistently do this, I see no problem with that. Newswipe was not a news programme, just a programme often taking a satirical look at the bullshit endemic to 24 hour rolling news.


we can agree to disagree. the end effect is the same: highlighting the shooter, erasing the victims, not elevating local sources, not making it bland and boring.

rather than reenact the same mistakes, they could have found creative ways to illustrate their point, or done a piece showing how it should have been covered.

in my view, they chose poorly.


Give it a week.


She still looks like someone drew angry eyebrows on a lemon though.


Don’t insult lemons, they are good eating and good seasoning!


I agree, lemons have a lot more uses than she ever will, tell me she doesn’t look like a lemon though…


I don’t think so… She just looks like a jerk to me.


To me she looks like the personification of sharting.


Nick Offerman Laughing GIF


wide angle lens distortion?

1 Like
  1. Mass shooting
  2. Calls for gun control covered on all news channels
  3. Panic emails to NRA members, rhetoric explodes on conservative media
  4. Gun enthusiasts rush to buy guns before they are banned
  5. The gun industry enjoys a massive increase in sales
  6. Time passes, gun sales fall to to below normal levels because of market saturation
  7. ?
  8. Return to 1.

At what point do we start thinking that maybe the mystery event at 7 is more than inaction. Paranoid? Perhaps. It is probably just a happy coincidence for the gun industry. We can’t, though, overlook the fact that billions of dollars are made every time this cycle repeats itself, profiting the people who create the tools to perpetrate the original event.

It is impossible that the gun industry executives don’t hear the cash register cha-ching after every mass shooting and smile quietly to themselves.



that whole thread is… interesting… and include remarks like “it’s gun socialism” or words to that effect

Pls let me be clear here: I think this is the world’s stupidest idea. I grew up in Chicago, IL and St. Louis, MO, two very very gun-fkd-up places and racist besides. The “interesting” I was talking about is the “forensically interesting” of looking at how fire ants clean roadkill meat off of bone, :tangerine: :clown_face: 's tax returns, and other stuff that I don’t find good, cool, fun, productive, healthy, life-affirming, future-positive, etc. Thank you for this space to clarify.


And then make it illegal NOT to carry it? Really? How many people who own guns actually carry guns daily? How many normal Americans are going to strap on a handgun to go to the store? Most people won’t. What good will it be to give everyone a handgun if people don’t wear them to the grocery store/massage parlor/school/outdoor music event, etc., etc.

Wouldn’t you like to see a venn diagram of the people who say it is unconstitutional to mandate masks vs the people who now think we should mandate carrying a handgun? I wonder if they will put people by the door in stores, asking customers if they have their pistol and turn them away if they don’t.

Can we use their logic? If I needed a gun to survive, I’d have evolved some sort of firearm as a body part, right?


This is a bad, bad idea. More guns makes everybody less safe, not more.



erickson has been trying very hard to position himself as the intellectual leader of conservative christians. his idiosyncratic views have led to him both opposing and endorsing trump as a presidential candidate in 2020. as is true of many of erickson’s statements, this one shows off the contradictions inherent in the modern conservative/g.o.p,.worldview and fits in quite well with opposing deficit spending while recommending massive tax cuts for the very wealthy or opposing the use of federal funding to support sustainable energy sources which reduce our national carbon footprint while supporting continued subsidies of moribund fossil fuel industries.

i can only presume that the coercive and socialistic scheme he outlined above is intended to allow everyone the opportunity to become comfortable with the dasein of the gun. i’m sure he still feels smug about opposing mask mandates and remains steadfast in opposition to any other socialistic ventures.





My close read of Erickson’s… uh… verbiage… gets me to a fascinating Hall of Mirrors argument that only the very very few are comfortable in, and the rest of us want to flee, as far and fast at possible, in the opposite direction.

I can’t think of a more fitting example of cynical, bizarre doublespeak that Cult45 is so good at.

Yuh huh… nailed it.

Socialism for, say, The School of the Americas (oh hey lookit they re-branded :roll_eyes:) “grads” and the U.S. Hegemon Community and federal black budgeters, at the very least.

ETA: grammar