Today's mass shootings

alt. source

This is like the worst part,

Police said they were unaware of any warning signs, but some parents and students said they had heard rumors before Tuesday that something bad might happen at the school.
Earlier this month, Oxford schools published a note to parents that it was aware that “numerous rumors” had “circulated throughout our building this week,” and the school was reviewing the concerns.


except the biggest warning sign: that america has yet to undertake any serious gun regulation.


How dumb can a country get?


This is too close to home. Good to know the gun was probablly bought on sale.

My kid was flying out to the west coast yesterday, the woman sitting next to her got the news that her kid’s school was shot up in flight.

I can not imagine a parent going through that or finding out in that way.

I watched the press conference late last night, it was like an awards speech, they all talked about how proud they were of themselves for their response. At one point a woman actually said “I want to give a shout out”. They did a fine job making this not as horrific as it could have been but it sucks that they have to be that prepared.

And I’m not too thrilled with the parents that kept their kids out of school but never notified the police.

My local Facebook group was quick to point out this wouldn’t happen in such a nice town if they didn’t bus kids in from the inner city. They are not bussing kids in and the kid lived in the village.



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It was sarcasm, the gun was bought on Black Friday, I assume it was a deal or “on sale”. And it shows just how easy a kid can his hands on a gun.

It appears easier for a minor to get a gun than it is to get cigarettes or liquor.


These poor kids, how terrifying. Listen to the audio, it was the shooter trying to get in. Edit: They thought it was the shooter, it may have been the sheriff. Either way, still terrifying.

These are smart kids. “he said bro, red flag” and then escaped through a window.


The Oakland County prosecutor just gave a press conference.

She is pissed. She talked about the need for gun laws to prevent this from happening again.

Four counts of premeditated murder, one count of terrorism and many counts of attempted murder. He’s 15 and is charged as an adult. She says they have mountains of evidence.

It sounds like the parents will be charged but she wouldn’t talk about those charges.

I feel her anger but I doubt anything changes with gun laws.


then it will just keep happening. there is no way to end the epidemic without addressing it directly.


If 20 first and second grade children aren’t enough to do anything, nothing ever will be.


None of the other school shootings changed anything so I’m not hopeful this does either.

We attended March For Our Lives in DC after the Parkland shooting. Seeing all those people gave us hope but over 3 years later more shootings and nothing changed.

Every time I see someone post some stupid thoughts and prayers emoji I ask for prayers that God gives strength and courage to the law makers to actually do something but most of the time it’s met with now is not the time to make this political.

When exactly is the time?

I saw a couple memes today.

One said something like if us kids can go through drills to learn how to barricade ourselves in our classroom than you can be a little inconvenienced by a waiting period or background check.

The other one said something like us kids have to go through metal detectors and have armed guards for your freedom but you can’t wear a mask in Walmart for 20 minutes…


winnie the pooh GIF by Maudit

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Just to further clarify on my previous comment re 20 first graders not being enough:

No substantive law changes happened at the state or federal level after Sandy Hook.

This was during a Democratic Governorship, a Democratic near super majority in the state house and senate. It was during a democratic majority in the house and senate, and a democratic presidency. The Supreme court enjoyed a liberal majority , and every court from CT up was basically packed with liberal judges.

The party that WOULD have done something of the two parties in power didn’t. I get not expecting the republicans to do something, but when not even MY PARTY was interested in doing something, that’s when it became clear that this wasn’t going to be something this country solves.


i guess id say, just look how much energy conservatives have put into overturning roe v wade. they’re at the supreme court today, again.

this is the way people have to treat gun regulations. all of this second amendment as an individual right bs is still relatively brand new, made up entirely by basically one man: justice scalia.

it still can change if people and legislatures try. people just have to keep pushing.

( side note: it wouldn’t hurt for “responsible” gun owners to become part of that push - because every gun owner who doesn’t support gun regulation at this point is - by definition - irresponsible. but with or without them, things have to change. )


How afraid and paranoid can a country get?
How delusional can a country get?
How programmed and manipulated can a country get?

Is there a bottom to this barrel?

Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?


There’s a campaign underway to rename Oxford High School’s football stadium after this brave young man. They should.


Well, that made me cry. Heroic and infuriating and such a shocking waste of life.