Today's mass shootings

Someone should filibuster Congress with the images.


The problem is, releasing the images to sites like twitter and livestreaming the shooting (which, apparently may also have been done here) IS glorifying the shooting. It’s what the person doing it wants.

The lawmakers don’t give a fuck, they sold their soul a long time ago. These images won’t change their mind if 29 kids in Newton didn’t. All these graphic images of murdered children do is hurt innocent family members, encourage other shooters, and cause trauma to the people who still have empathy. It does NOTHING to the people who don’t.

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You can make your point without gratuitously describing mutilated children here, buddy.


Yes, I could, but I want people to THINK about what that means when they call for these images to be shared.

EDIT to add:

And I edited it, because you’re right. These images SHOULDN’T be shared.

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I don’t think they were released to these sites - people posted them.

Outside of strict prior review of all posts - I don’t see how you prevent this. People will post things. Sites may or may not take them down after they’ve been reported.

I don’t go searching for them.


1467 comments later in just this thread, which gets added to every day, none of us here need it described.


Which is why I said don’t go looking for news on twitter.

I have friends in Dallas that work at that mall. I was checking to see if they were okay and those images got pushed to the top of the feed. As did the video. (My friends are fine, they were off today.)

That’s why my statement was there, because I don’t want others to have to see them.

They shouldn’t be posted anywhere and they’re getting boosted intentionally there.

you can’t prevent it, but if you have both algorithms and human moderators, you can limit it. twitter used to have systems in place to help, and now they don’t


They’re either revolting and motivating or they’re not. They can’t only effect one group of individuals.

And calling for lawmakers to have to see this doesn’t mean the rest of society has to.


They do have a responsibility. And they should. It still won’t completely stop it - and they’re not the only place people will post them. I’d additionally like the people posting images of children being assaulted and murdered to have their names made public.


I’m sorry, clearly I’m traumatized and affected by seeing these things and I’m being more … raw, than I should be. I’m going to mute this thread and disengage for a bit, touch some grass, talk to people, etc.

MY comment was that I wanted people to be aware that highly traumatic videos and images are getting posted, one potentially by the shooter, and that’s getting pushed up on threads about this on twitter, so if people were seeking news about it on twitter that they might run into that. I didn’t expect to see someone defending that kind of imagery being posted at this point, and I clearly didn’t react well to it.

All I wanted was people to not see this stuff if they are trying to figure out if their friends are okay.

I didn’t see that at all. I saw one cautious, thoughtful comment by someone above talking about some possible value of us having to confront these images at some other point.


That is not what I did. I explicitly said

Then I talked about how a group of people who lost loved ones to a mass shooting did want the images viewed by people. And how I thought those people might have a point.

If you can’t see the difference you really do need to take a break.


It’s widely accepted that it was the live video from the war that helped reduce the acceptance of America fighting in Vietnam. Once the footage was on the evening news people had a much harder time spouting things like “glory” and “honor” about the deaths of the soldiers.
The people who respond to events like school shootings with comments like “well, I homeschool my kids” might benefit from seeing exactly what they are brushing off so cavalierly.

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gun owners and registered republicans should be required to donate blood on a regular basis.

( which reminds me, while being neither of those, it’s still probably about that time again. )


And then there’s this guy, we’re not thinking and praying enough.

Then you have Marge who spelled guns wrong. It’s not evil forces, it’s guns.

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Me, hearing that asshole and reading MTGs post…

Mad Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room


CNN is reporting 8 dead and Ted Cruz is praying.

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Ted Cruz has an automated “Thoughts and Prayers” tweet cued up for any shootings.