Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/06/toddler-gazing-at-christmas-tree-gives-hilarious-look-when-mom-calls-him-video.html
Cason as a boy’s name is of Scottish and Old English origin meaning “son of the marsh-dwellers”.
in anycase “hilarious look” here having the meaning of demonic
Shades of Pvt. Pyle
You beat me to it.
That kid “smiled” and I swear, I started hearing the Omen theme song…
Definitely Kubrick Stare territory.
Damian! Damian!
We’re not going to talk about the fact that Cason’s gaze has already incapacitated a fellow toddler who can do nothing but lie helpless on the floor?
Is that the same child who solved the “trolley problem”? Should probably move his sister.
Man, nothing is quite so deflating (and hilarious) as when your kid drops the cute when you are trying to scold them about something. My son – at 3 or 4 – was making a horrible racket walking around in my shoes. I asked him a couple of times to stop and finally got hopping mad. “[kid] stop that”
“Don’t you mean, ‘Giant Shoe Man’?” I totally cracked up and that was the end of my being mad.
I had my kid melting down at the zoo for not wanting to put on sun screen. I had not one but two people come up to me and tell me how cute she was.
We were at Disneyland with my 6 year old, who at the time never swore. He witnessed some other kid having a complete meltdown, turns to me and says ‘Looks like someone forgot he’s at fucking Disneyland’.
Made my trip.
That’s awesome.
I think that grin means he’s filling his diaper.
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