'Toddlers are being detained.' 3 Trump 'Tender Age' immigrant baby jails confirmed, more are coming

Can we get a bunch of lawyers to petition for habeas corpus on behalf of these children? If the government is going to detain them, then they have the right to have a judge review that detention.

Besides the ACLU, is there a charitable organization I can support that provides legal representation for these refugees and their children?

I can’t wait until they discover that a few of these kids are actually American citizens either because they have an American parent or because they were actually born in the U.S., left, and are now returning.

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aka “Job security.”

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breaking news is reporting trump is claiming he is about to “sign something to keep families together”

which of course coming out of his mouth, likely a lie or massive exaggeration so we’ll see

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If it weren’t obviously incompetent evil, you’d almost believe it was competent evil: ‘we do not have enough enemies to sustain the level of fear we need in enough of the people to keep us in power, so let’s create some new ones’.
Job security, as @Pensketch says, but in more than one sense of the term.
Dare I predict the first ‘immigrant’ refugee on the loose and in possession of a gun turning up at a camp demanding to see their kid? Lord, I hope not, but with this sort of shit, it’s entirely plausible.

Edited re refugees not immigrants

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The tide will swing, so I hope these fuckers are ready for the War Crimes like Tribunals that they are going to face when trump and company are out on their ass.


God, I hope that’s the outcome. My deepest desire is to see as many people from this administration spend the rest of their lives in litigation, criminal trials, having their assets stripped and being locked. Only a deep, cleansing, decades-long punishment can scour this nation at this point.


We have to call for their punishment. This treatment of innocents for political manipulation is criminal.


“Protesters Blockade Immigration Prison in Portland As Cops Plead ‘Allow ICE Employees to Go Home to Their Families”



This is what happens when you have norm-violating, incompetent White House-first timers. Pretty much every new policy has been an exercise in chaos, turning horrible policies into even worse situations.

It’s amazing how good the USA is at creating hatred for this country and a willingness to rise up against it. Speaking personally, it’s definitely starting to work.

And legally speaking, even when not talking about asylum-seekers, their crossings are technically not “illegal” but “improper”. That’s an important legal distinction.

Meanwhile I saw this and I’m haunted by the fact that we’re already well into step 7; the next step is “trial massacres” - expect them soon:

Also spending the rest of their days being spit on when venturing out into public, should they remain unjailed.


oh just like all the administration in prison for the iraq war crimes?

I mean there was documented torture

iraqis were turning in their innocent neighbors to US military for the payoff and the US government happily imprisoned them for years - we also literally decimated the iraqi population (the actual original meaning of decimated)

remember, Gitmo is STILL OPEN

nothing will come from this, and people who think Mueller is going to present to congress and they are magically going to impeach are completely delusional

only the election for 2020 will fix this, and reminder that Bush won re-election despite some serious crimes

watch Maddow’s “Why We Did It” and realize there is going to be a part 2 in a decade for trump that’s going to make the part 1 look benign


Here is a link to a list of private companies that profit from child prisons, with contact info. I suggest contacting them to express your revulsion. That’s how I’m spending my morning.


Americans are generally only comfortable with white people carrying firearms.


Argh. I read the Reveal article from Aura Bogado as fast as I could, skimming, & still feel sick. tl;dr: Kids imprisoned, drugged, raped, dying “under restraint”…& then their parents get billed. 500 million in gov’t contracts go to these “housing” companies that re-brand themselves & re-open after each death. One company has abruptly pulled out under public pressure…can we get at the rest of them?


Legal help (for Federal employees):

“HKM Employment Attorneys will be providing free legal advice and representation to Federal employees who refuse to enforce the Trump Administration’s policy on separating immigrant families. We are in seven states (Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, and Pennsylvania). Please share if you know any federal employees who need advice.”

Pro bono Representation for Federal Employees Refusing to Separate Families


The word you are looking for is “Kindergulag”. That is a political prison for children.

To use it in a scentence…
“Trump has made Walmart the face of the Kindergulag.”


I’m more worried that some shitsqueak of a joker goes and calls ICE on a bunch of tourists, and the chain of tragedy results in one of their kids taken to the kindergulag.


Looks like Colossal Tool Stephen Miller was responsible for dreaming up this shit show. Figures. Defendant No.1 for Crimes Against Humanity trials.


link to HKM?

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Nah, Trump and most of the Republicans are all responsible. This shit doesn’t spontaneously happen because of a single loose cannon. Stephen Miller is just the guy chosen to be thrown under the bus, conveniently.

