Tom Cruise flips his lid on set over broken Covid protocols

edit: I think what I say here is wrong. See @Otherbrother’s response

A ship has catering, lodging for the crew and the caterers and other support staff, and a small set of discrete entrances. I think you could do just as well with a hotel, if they didn’t have any other guests for the duration and a couple weeks beforehand.

The outbreaks you mention on cruise ships happened because of the customers, who came from different places and clearly didn’t all quarantine. It had nothing to do with the ship per se.

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There are studies that suggest otherwise. Yes, the initial infection may have been from someone failing to quarantine, but cases such as the Diamond Princess have shown that in a cruise ship environment airborne transmission can still continue even with everyone staying confined to their rooms. The HVAC systems are far from prefect, and when you’re in an interior cabin you’re relying on the HVAC system even more than you do with n a hotel. Also, many hotel rooms have the option to open windows, while most cruise ship cabins do not.

If everyone on board gets a swanky luxury cabin with a balcony then maybe it’s not an issue.


Um, maybe they had a bunch of highly skilled Sea Org workers available to work it :thinking: :anguished:


Not only that, but his main point at the end: “If two people are too close, I’m firing BOTH OF YOU. You’re going to cost them their job. AM. I. CLEAR.”


Except, of course, if you happen to have a job working on movies. I know people with jobs in film and theater who have been going hungry for months now, quite literally, even those who managed to secure some kind of hustle to at least keep a roof over their heads. Huge movie productions like this employ a ton of people, who may not have other incomes otherwise. As long as the production observes safety guidelines and keeps testing everyone, I say let them work.


Cannot help but thinking of the spray of droplets flying through his mask by all the shouting…

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He’s their most high profile member, I’d say.


If two people are really too close (and can see each other - and let’s be honest, it’s hardly credible that it could happen without both being aware unless someone was deliberately trying to invade someone’s space unseen) both ARE to blame. Either of them could step back, and say “keep your distance”.


I’d like to see what Christian Bale could do with a COVID rant.

BALE: Am I going to walk around and yank your fucking mask up, in the middle of a scene? Then why the fuck are you walking around without one? Ah-da-da-dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What don't you fucking understand? You got any fucking idea about, hey, it's fucking distracting having somebody walking around unmasked in the middle of the fucking scene? Give me a fucking answer! What don't you get about it?

TECH: I've already had COVID and I—

BALE: Ohhhhh, GOOOOOOOOOD for YOOOOOOOOOOOU. Fuck’s sake man, you’re amateur.

I thought that Operating Thetans couldn’t get ill?


He’s a successful actor, as well as director and producer now. I don’t like him, either, but c’mon, now.

Gotta say, this incident made me question my despite of Mr. Cruise just a bit ^^’ . Good job, Tom, I might actually watch your movie…

Precisely. It makes the accountability clear, and sets well-defined boundaries. No finger-pointing.

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You sneaky… I was 3/4 way through before I caught on. Well played!


the “industry” makes fucking billions every fucking year and topsellers like him dozenz of millions. shouldnt be to hard to give some of this to to the people who actually keeping things running, or, I dont know, at least some form of a fucking WORK-INSURANCE in case nobody is able to work because of, for instance, a PANDEMIC?


I’m wondering if cruise ship HVAC could be outfitted with virus-defeating filtering or other means (UV? chemical)? Hotels, offices buildings, & other buildings that have shared air supplies.

I’m not likely to ever do a cruise; wasn’t of much interest pre-pandemic. I’m hesitant to use a hotel until vaccinations get us to herd immunity. The first hotel chain that does a “virus-safe HVAC” will get my business. I’m looking at you, Holiday Inn Express, since I often need the +1 INT boost.

Nice use of the Gripping Hand +10 pts

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Yeah UV in the ducts is a good idea.

This is Scientology on point:

“If you don’t do it you’re fired!
If I see you do it again, you’re gone!”

Oh, the hypocrisy of making a movie during the pandemic. For all we know, that computer scrum was required to verify the CGI version showed they weren’t running down the narrow alley way hand in hand.