Tom Hayden endorses Hillary Clinton

You are right, they will re-tread past scandals, even the ones long dis-proven. The point is that there is so much more material and innuendo for the GOP to mine with Clinton, and virtually none with Sanders, meaning none that won’t simply reinforce his profile as a fighter for the middle & lower classes and minorities.

Oh, she’s very good at fighting back and as dirty a fighter as any of them. But that does not mean they won’t cast doubts about her integrity and strip away votes. She is much more vulnerable to this than Sanders.


But Hillary’s penchant for intervention and regime change can only be thwarted by enough progressive Democrats in Congress and massive protests in the streets and online.

So, vote for Hillary and then protest her presidency? The hell?


This is a terrible argument by someone unable or unwilling to use google.
It was worse 8 years ago and if I recall, Obama won against a candidate less crazy than Donald trump.


If you think the Republicans will have a contested convention, then most polls say Trump would have a pretty tough time winning.

Anything can happen, but right now I wouldn’t assume it’s going to be Clinton vs Trump. Clinton vs Cruz could happen and there’s an outside chance of something nutty like Clinton vs Romney.


The United States hasn’t had a direct shooting war with an adversary that possessed military strength comparable to our own since at least WWII. That hasn’t stopped us from getting stuck in some pretty nasty quagmires.


Yup. Which is another mark for Bernie; Clinton’s numbers versus the non-Trump Republicans are frighteningly bad.


I’m sick of this argument. He pushed her rhetoric to the left, probably not her own long standing convictions and actual stances.

The first rule of being an educated voter is knowing campaign speaches are mostly noise; the meat lies in past actions and historical consistency.

His arguments also depends on actually thinking Clinton is the lesser evil, and identity politics. The former is arguable, and the latter is moronic.

I’m all in favor of a woman in the white house, it’s about damn time. But, that person must also be worthy of the office.

Though, I’m still not sure what’s up with the African American voters not liking Sanders. I don’t see why that would be, and I also don’t see them flocking to a racist lunatic in the general if Bernie won.


Nicely said.

Someone should just use this as a campaign slogan.



  1. voted for THE WAR - check
  2. takes money from big banks and large corporations - check
  3. lied about: secret emails, Benghazi, “sniper fire”,…
  4. holds secret fundraisers


  1. fighting the same fight for the last 30+ years
  2. transparent about everything

You decide who is better candidate for you.


And if I’m going to take the advice from one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement, it’s going to be this guy. The original PHS, not the compromised second draft. And we all know The Dude would vote for Sanders, man.


If Bernie somehow is able to win over 56% for the remaining primaries, earning him a clear non-special delegate win, maybe the Hillary bandwagon people should learn to respect the voters in the primary system that does its best to keep the tent small.


If this subset of black voters would end up voting for Cruz or Romney if Clinton didn’t win, then that is a pretty bad endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Vote for Hillary, or Republicans won’t have a Democrat to vote for!

Also, can someone explain WHY black voters supposedly hate Sanders? He really doesn’t seem like the racist type, nor does he really seems like he would support anything particularly damaging to that particular demographic. I haven’t heard Clinton say anything that really would improve the life of African Americans, outside of some general mouth noises (I support you! whatever the hell that means in practice).


I don’t think the issue was whether POC and women have no other candidate.

I think the issue is whether professing solidarity with POC and women while summarily discounting their dissenting opinions will increase or decrease democratic socialist solidarity.

I haven’t heard anyone express that opinion.

I think it’s largely just that Clinton has been a Southern Democrat for much of her career (how many home states does she have, anyway?), and Sanders is that independent old white guy from up there in Vermont.

I’m sure she worked more closely with the party down there than he ever did, so it’s not surprising that people may feel more affinity with her. Particularly amongst older voters. I’d like to see some actual policy suggestions, though. To me, Sanders appears to have been listening and responding, even if it hasn’t worked as hoped.


Despite Hayden’s street cred as a 1960’s era activist and the good work he has done over the years, I will never forgive him for ruining Jane Fonda for the rest of us.

He took a gorgeous 2nd generation actress with severe daddy issues, coming off a divorce with Eurosleaze Roger Vadim, and turned her all serious and socially relevant. It was so bad it drove her into the arms of Ted Turner!

Being someone born long after Tom Hayden’s salad days, I have little opinion of the man and his politics.

Hillary’s biggest problem is the same one which afflicted Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. An impression of being entitled to be President rather than someone who is seeking it. As if she is doing us a favor by allowing us groundlings to vote for her.


Tom sold out.


Not thrilled with his argument, but I am even less thrilled that some D supporters are such cut-off-nose-to-spite-face Sarandonistas that they would prefer a President Trump (or, ick, Cruz) to the other guy/gal.

wtf people? Hillary and Bernie are both good candidates! Their differences are significant as are their respective weaknesses and strengths. Can we at least agree other Bernie or Hillary would be better than Trump/Cruz/Jock Itch? No? wow. really? come on people think of what 4 to 8 years of Jock Itch would BE like!

Or 4 to 8 years Hill and Bill back in the White House? Or 4 to 8 years of Bernie? I recall the 90s as a great time for me with outstanding economic growth lower deficits, fewer wars etc. If Bernie or Hillary select a great veep we may even invent a second Internets! We’ll keep this one just for cat pics.

A vote for Trump is a vote for madness. Cruz, theocracy. Hill, mendacity. Bern, fantasy. No way Merkkkah will elect a socialist jew for President, the R nutters will go insane and spend billions to prevent it (don’t rule out an assassination either, these forces play really rough). I’d love a left wing wave, but it isn’t gonna happen in 2016. At least I have Canada!

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