Tonight's U.S. presidential debate: Biden v Trump


“Oh man, I need something to soak up all this Mountain Dew…”


Being a bully is not “winning” a debate. It’s being a bully. Trump bullied his way through that debate, and would have done the same with a younger candidate up there. The media narrative would be the same, I suspect. “He steamrolled Harris, he steamrolled Pete”… :woman_shrugging:


That’s called spreading. And what distinguishes it from a gish gallop is that, in debate, every assertion has to be backed with evidence to score a point. Try to make too many assertions with bad or insufficient evidence, and the debater loses points.

If last night was a scored debate, T**** would have finished DEEP in negative territory.


YES! This shitty talking point about “post-birth abortions” makes me furious. Gov Northam did us not favors with that, but I fully understand what he meant, even if the general public didn’t. He was a pediatrician. He was describing the most painful thing we have to do. “Ma’am, I can’t save your child. I am suggesting you hold her and make the most of the next hour or two. It will be all you will get.” That leaves parts of your soul on the floor. It is not post-birth abortion! It is acknowledging that there exist situations that are beyond our ability to heal. And the ghouls, who know this very well, persist in using it to push a nonexistent thing as a talking point.


My dude, at 70 I am sure they got “really good” decades ago, and I wish all of those people a happy retirement.

But even if they choose to keep working, that’s a completely different situation than what we are talking about.

That’s true, but with that comes entrenchment of power. Even within ones own preferred party, there are people hamstringing the younger elected members who want to DO more for the American people.

Also, one can still use their expertise to advise newly elected members. There should be more mentoring in Washington, but I don’t know if I’ve seen that.

Absolutely we should “yes, and” with eliminating voter suppression and increasing voter participation - but there are districts, like McConnell’s, that are so solidly Red or Blue, that they can basically walk in a victory and they are nigh impossible to primary. (And even if it was more competitive in the general election, incumbents typically are hard to primary. Look at Boebert and what a buffoon she is, but rides the whole name recognition).

I don’t disagree. And I trust his administration 100x more than any Trump would put together. But that isn’t to say that someone else’s administration wouldn’t be 10x better than Biden’s. And if Biden can’t pull off a win, then that point is moot.

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In many political offices with high turnover rates the newly elected office holders don’t have the experience they need and rely way too much on the “expertise” of former members who have changed careers to become lobbyists. In most state legislatures the number of lobbyists is several times higher than the number of lawmakers. Way too much legislation is actually written by lobbyists.


But so far as I can tell that is what most people want, a cage fight, that scene in Idiocracy. Horse races. Reality TV. A cathartic narrative.

If it’s not what they want it’s what the broadcast media want for them so it is what we get.

I would take motherfucking Joe Rogan over Donald Trump but I’d rather people grow the fuck up and stop voting for people they’d most want to fuck/drink with.


Yeah, and I think that’s in part because the media feeds into that, and it becomes this huge feedback loop of this kind of thing being fed to the public, and then the public finding it enjoyable, and then that being pushed for ratings… It’s frustrating, since we have serious problems and we need to know how those problems are going to get dealt with…

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But again, I think we need to look at the media, too, and how their pushing specific narratives is part of this cycle.


Huh? McConnell’s “district” is the entire state of Kentucky, who also elected a Democratic governor last cycle.


Yeah, the whole narrative that there are states that the Dems can’t “crack” is bullshit… People said the same thing about GA not too long ago, and we elected two Democratic senators. It’s true we lost the Governor, but I suspect that’ll be in play in 2026 (I think that’s when Kemp’s term is up?).


How easy would it have been to point to things like the massive increase in newborn deaths in Texas now that abortion is illegal there as proof that it’s the Republicans who believe in ‘abortion’ after birth? They’re the ones forcing women to put their lives on the line for non-viable fetuses.


And there’s Joe up on my teevee screen at a campaign stop looking together, vigorous and sharp. :woman_shrugging:



I only made it to the halfway point before I had to bail. My wife is stronger than I am - she watched the whole thing and stayed for the “afterparty”. Her reaction:

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A waffle house? A house just for waffles? :thinking:

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You answered this question in the same post.

Getting answers from this type of sample is much harder than it sounds.

I would even guess that is has been getting harder now than it was in the not to distant past.


Don’t be silly. It’s just called that because the building is a waffle-based structure.

Though I guess it could also work as a metaphor. House of Waffles could be the next big political drama series on Netflix.


Certainly that’s what CNN designed and what Trump came to do.

I think Biden could have done that too. He should have come for that and done that too.

The Biden campaign problem was he showed up and tried to classically debate the policy goals and methods. While a lovely goal, it was wrong for the venue.