Tonight's U.S. presidential debate: Biden v Trump

I don’t see how this helps Trump with swing voters who moved away from him. He’s displayed everything that made them do so.

So - at least there’s that.

Joe has been a very good President. But candidates have a different job.


I too feel triggered and intensely dislike the sound–the mere sound–of T’s voice. I get it. For those of you who turned off or away from that debate, I really do understand. T has been the source of much trauma for many of us. He sounds like he is more than ready to pick up where he left off.

We have a lot of work to do between now and November.

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A step-by-step journey through the daunting task of citizenship - from the basics of voting to volunteering, organizing, running for office and beyond.

(zoom in, it’s funny)

It’s funny.
It’s accurate.
It’s put out by some Obama presidential staffers.
It’s not that long.
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We have work to do.

This ain’t over yet.


Vs the record-setting recession on T****’s watch!?! Please.


Which is why I just sent Joe $50. You know they’re going to talk about fundraising after the debate.


No, they know damn well you’re stupid, mr von bankrupt.


Who was LAUGHED AT while addressing the United Nations, again?


Energetic fascist is still a fascist


The worst kind….nah - all fascists are the worst kind of fascist.


Saoirse Ronan Bingo GIF by A24




Truth Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Unlike earlier tonight.


Michelle Obama GIF by Election 2016


The CPI takes time to reflect what’s happening, but I very painfully recall my grocery bill doubling around April 2020. Biden was not president then.


i think literally nothing he said was true.

instead of doing a fact check, the news could save themselves time and do a lie check instead. just assume everything was counterfactual, and find anything that might have a sliver of truth


Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

Right after I watched the last episode of the 5th season of DS9, where they abandon the station to the Dominion, and Jake stays despite the evacuation, and newlyweds Rom and Leeta split… that was more cheerful than this debate…


Frustrated Mary Tyler Moore GIF by HULU


No Problem Whatever GIF by The Good Films


Sad Futurama GIF


Sad Rupauls Drag Race GIF by MOODMAN


I was dreading this from the moment it was announced and somehow it was even worse than I could have ever imagined.

Yeah, Biden wasn’t great but Trump was just terrible. He did nothing but Gish Gallop (and Biden fell for it constantly, spending entirely too much time swatting away at Trump’s nonsense). Trump didn’t seem to actually answer a single question. He lied about pretty much everything. All he could say about his time in office was everything he did was perfect and everybody agreed with it. If Biden came to debate, Trump just came to be an asshole. Trump only “won” if your method of accounting is “most sound bites”.

I normally like Jake Tapper and Dana Bash but they seemed to do a terrible job. There wasn’t really any moderation. Trump should have been shut down when he started going off on his lies about Democratic led infanticide, or any other number of things.

It was really sickening to see the post-debate almost glee of the CNN pundits of either political persuasion practically falling over themselves to see who could use the most superlatives to say how great Trump was and how awful Biden was. (FFS he wasn’t that bad.)

The CNN Republican talking heads were way worse than usual. The regulars ones usually moderate their criticism of Biden to be more policy related but tonight they were full on with the conspiracy theories tonight going as far as to insinuate that Biden is a puppet president and Kamala Harris (or a secret cabal) is pulling his strings. If I didn’t see the big CNN logo in the lower right corner, I would check to make sure I didn’t accidentally tune in OAN or Fox News with the level of bullshit I was hearing.

The whole affair was just sickening.


Do not let the Maga hats put you off hating CNN. Apart from the logo they are not distinguishable from Fox because they are not distinguishable from Fox. They are the same people working at different times ultimately for each other and always for the same reasons. So why should they want anything different? The goal is just to cause you to believe them and behave in a way that makes them money. In order to do that better they have to sell you the idea that their brand is safer somehow than the competition. It isn’t.