Top Trump strategist quits, writes an open letter warning America about him

I feel like someone should make some Twitter and Facebook accounts called The Left Wing, Illegal Immigrants, Obamacare, Feminazis, and Muslim People, and let the Trump folks scream at empty robots for awhile.


Ugh, those assholes. Have an opinion on something, dammit! Quit equivocating.

I used to think of Libertarian as socially liberal, economically conservative, but that’s really just the Democratic Party platform.

So far as I can tell, the Libertarian party seems to stand for stopping the federal government from preventing the state governments from being really socially conservative.


Yes. AND from preventing state governments from preventing billionaires from plundering and privatizing public services.


I agree. I don’t like the Libertarian party, but we are talking about people who refuse to vote for a Democrat because their economic policies are supposedly too “left wing”. Under those circumstances the Libertarian party is the lesser of two evils.

We aren’t going to get them to vote for Bernie, but maybe we can get them to stop supporting Republicans who do shit like the North Carolina Bathroom Bill (which in my opinion is the opposite of what small government is claimed to be).



That’s the deal with any label, there is a gamut of views that fall under that umbrella.

My stance is for more of achieving a balance between regulating/not regulating something, as well as spending for social programs. While hard line libertarians claim taxation is theft, which I disagree with 100%.

ETA - and just like many conservatives/liberals don’t view many Republican/Democrat politicians as true conservatives/liberals - the Libertarian Party doesn’t reflect the views of all who claim to be libertarians.

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Except this hasn’t been a forward trajectory. The Republican party, back before it was so reactionary, was much more inclusive of feminism. For example, during the 1970s about a quarter to a third of the people involved in the various pro-feminist concerns, such as trying to get the Equal Rights Amendment passed, were card-carrying Republicans. In fact, at the time the largest political organization in the country was also the largest women’s organization – the National Federation of Republican Women – and the President and other officers of that organization were key players in trying to get the ERA passed, promoting International Women’s Year, and even part of the founding of UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women). Phyllis Schlafly was on the outside, an extremist who did not have the support of mainstream Republicans. Now, she’s virtually canonized by the party, and all of her abhorrent beliefs about women and LGBTQ people are the bedrock of this new iteration of the party.

So, will it get better for women and LGBTQs over time? Maybe. But maybe it’ll keep getting worse, instead.


Um, I mean, I always mix them up on purpose – it’s a tactic.

Or a strategy.

This is an oft-repeated bit of propaganda: they are all the same–no point in voting. If you think they are all the same, fucking vote in the primary and pick a different candidate! If there is no different candidate, run yourself. And also go meet these supposed sociopaths (the ones that are your representatives) and see. It’s really not that simple, and trying to make it that simple is actively harmful to democracy.

This time this has been happening with Bernie Sanders. And his supporters get insulted and belittled by the mainstream politicians and their supporters who do nothing to attempt to appeal to them.

What are the odds that the mainstream democrats play the blame game in November rather than recognise that they fucked up big time and alienated a large chunk of voters?


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