Top Trump strategist quits, writes an open letter warning America about him

Straw men, meanwhile, are great for keeping away crows!

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Exactly. They just want the Christian version of Sharia law.


Where do anarcho-communist autonomous collectives fit into this? I expect they won’t react well to the suggestion that they are some kind of ideal of conservative government, I know I’d react with laughter if I was called conservative (Then eventually anger if they continued to do so).

But as I have said numerous times before, Conservatives and Libertarian-Capitalists in the US have a very strong interest in not letting people know that there is such a thing as Libertarian Socialism. To be fair, so do the Democrats (who are also conservative at the party leadership level).



I keed. Clearly a two party system doesn’t even begin to meet the needs of the wide political spectrum out there.

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There are a lot of splinter anarchist movements/subfacets, most with minuscule memberships, few with the ability to compellingly persuade Americans that anarcho-whateverism is a great thing. I don’t think the GOP and Democrats actively suppress knowledge of them or are even aware of them (in this day and age) so much as the tiny handful of them left are barely noticed any more than the Trots or other radical leftist movements are.

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From Umberto Eco’s frequently reposted article on fascism:

  1. Ur-Fascism is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might say. In a democracy, the citizens have individual rights, but the citizens in their entirety have a political impact only from a quantitative point of view – one follows the decisions of the majority. For Ur-Fascism, however, individuals as individuals have no rights, and the People is conceived as a quality, a monolithic entity expressing the Common Will. Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will, the Leader pretends to be their interpreter. Having lost their power of delegation, citizens do not act; they are only called on to play the role of the People. Thus the People is only a theatrical fiction. To have a good instance of qualitative populism we no longer need the Piazza Venezia in Rome or the Nuremberg Stadium. There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.

In a functioning democracy, votes are counted, and whichever side has the most votes prevails. If you fail to vote, no one can legitimately claim to be speaking for your interests. Invoking the silent majority is a claim to speak for the common will without the bother of an election.


Is that what they’re for?

Hey, remember when that great swath of Gingrich’s campaign staff resigned? (And we got that stirring press release?)

Oh, 2011. What a sweet and innocent era.


The republicans have been running a series of jokes for president for the past three primaries. I can see it happening once on accident but three times stretches my credulity.

The second time they dodged a bullet and went “Oh thank GOD we still have Romney” they should have—if they actually cared—took serious stock and made sure they didn’t run another joke primary. At this point, I’m forced to conclude that the party leadership either wants to run a joke for president or can’t find a serious candidate who is also capable of appealing to their base.

I’m sure it’s not the clown party they were hoping for but it sure is the clown party they’ve been making down payments on. :wink:


Only three?

I can’t remember if Bob Dole wasn’t a joke, but all the ones since have been.

Well, I’m not talking about all of the candidates.

The primary GWB won wasn’t a total piece of slapstick performance art. I’d go so far as to say it wasn’t even mostly slapstick performance art. Going further than that requires I explain my off kilter “conspiracy theory” regarding GWB (nothing to do with 9/11) which would be extremely off topic.

But 2008 and beyond and it’s been like class president of clown college.

(I don’t actually recall the primary Dole won. I wouldn’t say I was too young but that was around the time I got my first job and I had other things on my mind.)

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I lie awake at night, staring at my ceiling, thinking to myself, “I may not know everything, but I do know why Vine was created.”

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I wasn’t even in the country for 2000, but wasn’t McCain supposed to be fairly reasonable, back then? I guess the joke was on the people that time around.

1996? Looking it up, I see that Dole’s main rival was Pat Buchanan (and Steve Forbes). I’d say that counts.


I’m sure it’s been pointed out upthread, but I ain’t about reading 150+ just to find that out, I’m fairly lazy.

But, while I agree Trump’s a monster, no one should pay his former minion any mind. FFS, “I no longer felt that he was the leader the country was…” whatever, her story is that she never believed that at any point.

I’m not about “don’t feed the troll”, I believe in challenging trolls when it is amusing, but…

Don’t feed the troll’s poops.


Have you seen the latest campaign pamphlet?


McCain had actually always been kind of reasonable-ish considering his party (had to change “has” to “had” because I wikipedia’d him and whoops … what the hell, John). I dislike him as a politician for reasons that go beyond my own politics and are also off topic. But, ignoring politics and elected office, he’s a decent man and a hell of a comedian.

Oh my gods, I’m so glad I missed that. What a crap storm that must have been.


And this toon from circa 2012 campaign applies to most of the voters, but seems 'specially apropos this year (Bernie/Hillary or Anybody/Drumpf)


I happen to have had the misfortune to see some recent episodes of “I am Cait,” and it turns out Caitlyn Jenner is also quite conservative.

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It’s a little sad.

The Radical Right Christians and Radical Right Muslims have so much in common.

Both subscribing to a history that never happened, both having conspiratorial myths about what the hell is going on.

People used to do many more shout outs to deities and quotes religious texts in political arguments. Because religion is the higher law.

And what happens here to you, isn’t nearly as important as what you do… Because your soul depends on it.

I’m sure in America there’s hatred for all things Muslim and Catholic preached from pulpits in more radical churches. It’s amplified in communities and online. Becomes very racist. And its reflected in politics and the news… as conversations about immigrants and security and terrorists.

Seen through all these lenses at once… It’s a very different worldview. But the Radical Right Christians and Radical Right Muslims are both the scariest things in the others point of view. For good reason.

Completely incompatible worldviews and they occupy the same political niche.

These are also the people that believe in an inevitable clash of civilizations war. They continue to cause horrible problems.


Sigh… I just thought about The Handmaid’s Tale.