Originally published at: Toxic Qanon representative said on video "we will" resort to non-peaceful means to overthrow the government | Boing Boing
Seriously, how is that resolution to boot her behind out of Congress going?
This video is auto-playing in blog view and I hate it.
But… both sides have very good people… /s
First they came for the Vice President, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Vice President.
Then they came for the Senators, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not on the floor at the moment.
Then they came for the Representatives, and I did not speak out—
Because I had no moral compass.
Then they came for me—and I did not speak out—
Because I might lose a few swing state votes and I’m pretty sure I can wrangle this trump beast to do my bidding.
Isn’t this proof she is guilty of the exact same crime that Trump was impeached for?
GOP: This? We strongly conde… ha, just kidding! We’re ok with this, too.
Is America the “light of the world”? I’m not so sure of that anymore. I am sure that there are people around the world who see her and find the idea laughable.
Why isn’t she in jail yet, for sedition or treason?
We never were.
because her caucus is out to cock us
I’d love to see a Secret Service agent ask her “So what is the opposite of ‘peaceful’ exactly?”
A cop once posed the following question of my dad, who was traveling at the modal speed, if not quite the legal speed
There are states that that lie between states of war and states of peace.
And dangerous, delusional, propagandist, aren’t-we-just-terrific thinking.
This was 2019? Only in Trumpland can you support the current president while also wanting to overthrow the “government.”
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