Toxic Republican congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene is angry about space lasers

I think you may be missing an important effect of shaming and ostracizing Nazis. It will almost certainly not change their hearts or minds, but it may well make them appear less attractive to those not yet down the rabbit hole. Those with this mindset have always been around. They are emboldened now because it became not shameful to be a white nationalist. We need to make it shameful again.


Except for all the hate they express for people who are not them. So yes, if they are going around saying they HATE someone else because they are not them, they can fuck right off.

They are flat up lying. One can love one’s community and not hate others. They choose to hate others in addition to loving themselves. And they don’t really love their group as much as they profess, if they others in that group (like women and children) are not perfectly obedient to their authority.

As I said, one does not have to want to commit mass murder to care about one’s community. It’s about the hate more than the love. It’s not some romanticism gone wrong. The hatred and violence against the other is the ROOT of the thing.

It’s one of the seven deadly sins. Anyone who believes that having pride in their heritage nessecitates cleansing or murdering others is seriously fucked up in the head.

Holding them to account for their actions most certaintly fucking will. Try to over throw the government to set up a white, Christian theocracy, go the fuck to jail.

I am DONE playing “let’s sympathize and try to understand.” Fuck that. There is a vast fucking literature on the root causes of this toxic shit if you want to understand it. It’s clear from your comments here that you’ve not engaged with it, so maybe do a little homework on these issues. It’s time to root it out and hold people to account for their actions. It is, in fact, well past time to do so. It might, in fact, be too late. We might be fucked, because it’s too deeply rooted in the GOP now.

As far as I know, the seven deadly sins are the same in the mainline protestant groups… maybe the modern prosperity doctrine that seems in line with these right wingers has a different take on pride? We know that the white power religions most certainly do.

When ever anyone says something along the lines of “Hitler had a few good ideas” pukes acoming!

They claim to love them, they just wish to love them from afar, where they are determined by god to live so that when Jesus comes back he can smash the people who don’t convert…

Baddie GIF by Giphy QA

They are still making a choice to see others as less than them.

Consequences for their behavior makes the rest of us safe.

I am pretty sick of having to accommodate people who MAKE THE WORLD A WORSE PLACE on a daily basis for others. What happened on the 6th IS WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU ENDLESSLY ACCOMMODATE THEM.

They can BELIEVE whatever the fuck they want, I don’t give a shit. They don’t get to over throw the government and set up a white, Christian ethno-state. This is MY country too. They don’t get to treat me and many, MANY other people here like second class citizens for their fragile fucking feelings.


People have already figured this out. Go read the literature if you’re really interested in that. Otherwise, you’re just doing what the GOP has been doing for the last 40 or so years - trying to accommodate fascists to get that vote.



Can we get that on some hats?


Many polititians will pander to get the votes of 74.2 million fascists.



trump seems to have anointed her as the leader of the house trump caucus:

expect more of this:



The whole ‘right and wrong’ thing overlooks a particular subset. Yes, there are some Republicans who have the whole idea that they are led by god and fighting for a cause and keeping to their values blah blah, sure. But that isn’t their leadership or elites.

The philosophy of the Republican leadership is might makes right, only the strong survive, survival of the fittest, etc., etc. The see those in need as “eaters”. They have the same standards of what makes us valuable as the Nazis did.

Trump has no morals. Whatever he can take is his, whatever he can make you believe is Truth. That is the real Republican platform.

The saddest fact is a lot of (majority of) the Republican X-tian “idealists” are really the might makes right sorts who can’t even admit it to themselves. Backed into a corner in an argument they will start spouting Nazi jargon without even realizing they are doing it. People will embrace secondary philosophies to make themselves feel like good people, but what they are doesn’t change.

So, that said, there comes a time when it doesn’t matter about their feelings and changing their minds. They believe whoever wins the FIGHT is RIGHT. When such people reach a critical mass the only thing that fixes the situation is for them to lose the fight. While you are trying to change their minds, they are sharpening their knives and nodding along, calling you weak.


here’s the worst thing about all of this:

if trump himself doesn’t run for president in 2024, marjorie taylor greene will run, will be the immediate frontrunner, and unless she literally shoots herself playing with her firearms will be the nominee of the republican party for president. meanwhile, from right this second until the general election in november of 2024 the republican party–individual state edition will be working feverishly to make new and greater impediments to democratic voters actually voting in every state where the republicans hold a majority. this year it took a majority of 5 million votes to make it possible for the democratic candidate to win. in 2024 it will probably require a 10 million vote majority to do the same thing.

if we are not vigilant, if we are not organized, if we are not strident, if we are not militant, we are going to be ruled by marjorie taylor greene and her ilk.


Those if’s are the keys to our survival. We need to keep pushing forward just as hard as the fucking Teabaggers did back in the day. If we rest on our laurels, we will lose our one chance.


At the risk of repeating myself, there are people on the far right whose interest in Israel lies in it being a thriving ethnostate and a potential role model for a white supremacist America.

The white nationalist movement, meanwhile, is deeply divided on the “Israel question,” which for them is shot through with antisemitism at the foundation. Most white nationalists insist that the Jewish diaspora is the driving force behind “white genocide,” the demographic “great replacement” of the white race, and that Jews have long engineered non-white immigration, Black freedom movements, gender and sexual liberation, cultural relativism, and a host of other “anti-white” phenomena, including neoconservative support for Israel, in order to accomplish this goal.

At the same time, some emulate Israel as an enviable example of the successful creation, by a dispossessed people, of its own ethnostate — one that continues to unapologetically “take its own side” in ethnic conflict. Prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer has referred to himself on Israeli television as “a white Zionist,” and has described his longed-for white ethnostate as “an Altneuland — an old, new country,” borrowing the phrase of Theodor Herzl, considered the founder of modern political Zionism. “I have great admiration for Israel’s nation-state law,” he said in 2018. “Jews are, once again, at the vanguard, rethinking politics and sovereignty for the future, showing a path forward for Europeans.” The alt-right writer Bronze Age Pervert, in a discussion of the European nationalist influences of the early Zionist project, noted sympathetically that Israel is “a state founded for the sake of racial survival…its spiritual foundation and reason for existence is national socialist through and through…Israeli nationalism and white nationalism are the same thing.”

Many white nationalists long for a world where each “race” occupies its own homogenous ethnostate. In that schema, Zionism represents the straightforward application of this “ethnopluralist” principle to the “Jewish race,” a solution which would conveniently empty the United States and Europe of its undesirable Jewish populations. “I do not oppose the existence of Israel,” explained white nationalist Greg Johnson with chilling precision. “I oppose the Jewish diaspora in the United States and other white societies. I would like to see the white peoples of the world break the power of the Jewish diaspora and send the Jews to Israel, where they will have to learn how to be a normal nation.”


Cowan is "no less conservative or pro life but does not support QAnon. ", says the nytimes

So is smoking meth.

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MNSHA! Does sound like an expression of speechless disgust if you try and say it. I like it.

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The liberal rationale for inhumane drug laws,

Perhaps useful model of right wing lunacy can be drawn from what we know of the prescription opioid epidemic. Profit and addicttive potential amplifying distorting what is medically or politically real beyond anyones control.

Not just any version, but the original early 1980s Illuminati game no less! The OMCL have been a staple of every edition, but I am too lazy to go scan my INWO and Deluxe Edition cards.

GURPS Illuminati even had a couple of pages about mind control masers, and how tinfoil is useless - you need beryllium to properly shield a brain.


Next you’ll tell me this colloidal silver solution I bought from Alex Jones won’t actually cure my cancer


I would say don’t feel blue, but if you actually ingested it you probably are. Literally.


It occurred to me, isn’t she describing the microwave power plant disaster from SimCity?