Originally published at: Toxic Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in the insanely stupid frazzledrip conspiracy | Boing Boing
The important thing to remember is that it’s the Democrats’ responsibility to reach across the aisle to find common ground with these people.
Repubican Party: yeah, we’re good with this, too.
Why is this stuff being discovered now, and not prior to the election where it mattered?!
Look, reasonable people can disagree as to whether Hillary Clinton was caught on tape participating in a satanic child murder ritual.
If we can’t agree that both sides’ positions have equal merit and should be discussed as though they’re each equally valid, I’m sorry, but the divisiveness you’re bringing to the table is just too much to bear. We’ll just have to agree that you’re the one being obstinate for not admitting the legitimacy of my reasonable position, which—again—is that Hillary Clinton was caught on tape participating in a satanic child murder ritual.
So much for the “tolerant Left.”
At risk of being flagged here, “common ground” would be me standing on their grave.
And AOC wants to give all of us universal healthcare, so…both sides!
Y’all all laughing now but wait until four years of Democratic inaction and ineptitude make her POTUS47
I’d like to get her take on gigglepig.
Let’s face it, if this woman or any other KKKrepublican nut job goes lower ie. rubs shit in their hair, for example, it’s just political porn for there low wattage constituents. FACT!
political porn trade marked / copy write by Papasan
I think it’s safe to say nobody here finds it the least bit amusing that an elected member of the United States Congress believes such things. We’re not laughing at her, we’re fearing for our future.
Yep. Whistling past the graveyard.
Conservatives will believe anything, ridiculous or not, if it proves their hatred for “the left” is justified.
Talk radio and Fox News have been building this hateful tribe mentality for decades.
“The enemy is not just incorrect, they’re evil.”
Am I supposed to be reading this as “frazzle drip” or “frazzled rip”?
Asking for a friend.
You mean like this?
This is not new. People voted for her because she supports this rubbish or at least knowing that she does.
Who’s “laughing” here?
Not to mention the 4 people that died in Benghazi knew what they were getting themselves into and the risks they were taking. Nobody had any illusions that Libya and especially the Benghazi region was a safe place to be. Sure, there were plenty of mistakes and blame to go around, but nothing that warranted the some 16 months of Congressional trials and investigations.