Trailer for "Lords of Chaos," the horror-thriller about Norwegian black metal and murder

Yes, “dabbling” is a misstatement. I think the Odinism is what confused it for me, instead of say the giant racism, nationalisim, and authoritarianism. i.e. I fell into the “Well, actually, it’s…” trap.

Varg is a horrible person all the way, and yet I still enjoy Dunkelheit. Separating the art from the artist is always a issue for each individual to reckon with.


No snow, but still:


Saving for later, thanks in advance ! :smiley:

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My sentiments on Varg exactly. I find him to be an irredeemable piece of shit but his music is beautiful.

I will probably always be conflicted about this.

Also I have seen Mayhem two or three times. Obviously they don’t play with him anymore but quite impressive live.

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oh god im coughing up blood laughing so hard!

This is the kind of Dad I always wanted, and the father I wish so dearly to be someday! :laughing:

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That’s a good way of summing up my feelings about black metal. I saw Emperor in 2007 and it was a little fucked up that Samoth was touring. A few years after that Faust joined them for a tour, and he’s obviously a shit person. I mean, I’m glad I saw Emperor, but in hindsight it’s really gross.


Back in the day (CDs), I made it a point to bootleg those musicians who I liked, but then found out they had embraced fascism. I never wanted to give money to anyone who most likely would turn around and give it to fascist causes. Sadly, with the rising tide of this nonsense, I read about artists I’ve liked for decades who then reveal themselves to be into these garbage beliefs (Magma’s Christian Vander, for one). Personally, I don’t buy any merchandise from them, I won’t go to their shows, and if their name comes up in conversation, I always preface my opinion of their work with a denouncement of their views. In this age of streaming, I definitely find myself not clicking the play button for their work. I know they get paid pennies for it, but it’s the principal of the thing. If I really want to hear it, I can bust out the cd player. That’s the line I walk to separate art from artist anyway.

TLDR: If you don’t want to support fascism, don’t support fascist artists financially, or by keeping silent about their views. Bootleg their work instead.

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Can we please stop making these assholes famous?

Arson, plain old murder, hate crime murder, mostly shit music, supremacist ties. Faust brutally murder a man (stabbed 27 times then caved in his head) just because was gay. Served 9 years (nice job Norway) and was immediately welcomed with open arms back into the music scene and selling out any club he played. The way these criminals and murderers are tolerated is almost as bad as the NFL.

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that’s up to you of course… I’m certainly not going to throw a dime his way, but you do you!

I have been wondering something. Was he always into Nazism, or was he literally the only guy to be radicalized in a Norwegian prison?

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If his interview with him from the book this film was based on is true, his mother raised him with racist/nationalist beliefs. It got worse later. I mean, he also took Venom as serious satanists too, so I don’t think he was ever the sharpest tool in the shed.*

*I do love Venom in all their goofy glory though.


That’s the joke.

Yes, thank you, but we already sorted that out 38 hours ago.

I’m pretty amazed that no one has yet brought up the 600 pound white (power) elephant in the room here:

By making this film, the filmmakers are knowingly and sickeningly giving their money and helping further the cause of the neo-nazi propagandist and “occult” fascist activist Michael Moynihan; the author of the book on which this film is based and the editor of an international array of fascist authors; most pointedly two whose malign influence is currently poisoning our modern world: Italian neo-fascist and Steve Bannon favorite Julius Evola and James Mason, the latter of who’s book Siege is the ur-text behind the murderous international fascist organization Atomwaffen Division and their reign of terror that so far has left five dead.

Everyone involved in this production is either knowingly or mindlessly complicit in further the spread of said materials and in the process, funding some truly ghastly jackals that have been part of a longstanding movement to seed their vile mystical/occultic/odinist quasi-fascism via the underground experimental music scene of the last 30+ years, beginning with progenitors Death In June, as part of the dreary post-Industrial music scene niche genre of apocalypse folk, via which he’s aligned himself with an international who’s who of fascist pseudo-intellectual artists from Boyd Rice to Robert N. Taylor, a former member of the 1960’s right wing terror cell The Minutemen.

Call these S.O.B.’s out for sponsoring these monsters, spread the word and don’t let ‘em get away with covering it up.



It’s extremely disturbing how many in counter-culture milieus are able to overlook the cultural offensive that maeldictus describes here. The free-pass that is given to the Norwegian fascist black metal scene, justified on a sort of artistic-license basis is insane. Moynihan et al have been capitalizing and recruiting around ghoulish publicity around these crimes for years. (I’d wager that if Moynihan hadn’t established such a critical success with the Lords of Chaos stuff, that Bannon wouldn’t have had the indicators that he was able to then amplify, (leading us to where we are today)).

There has been a significant effort to promote and generate cultural capital for fascist political thinking in underground scenes (music oriented and otherwise), over the past couple of decades. It’s not a nerdily fascinating aberration in some past local music in some obscure corner of northern Europe, it’s a significant piece of the story of how the U.S. and other parts of the world are right now listing increasingly into right-wing totalitarianism and the irrational violence and tribalism that it consists of.


Apropos satanism, at least one member of Venom works for a fair-trade wholesaler run by Christians here in Newcastle.


We had an entire conversation about Varg upthread… Did you miss that?

Also, @audaxaxon.

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@Mindysan33, I think that the point that @maledictus and I were getting at has more to do with the author of the book this film is based on than it’s subjects. Whatever inclinations Varg displayed so theatrically, (in such a way that music fans have found it possible to dismiss him as a sort of clownish anti-hero) - “occult-fascism” and co. have continued to both profit from, and use as a vehicle for their agenda.

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Okay… fair enough.

[ETA] But question - it seems like Moynihan used to be a fascist right winger (worked with that Boyd Rice shithead), but has since, according to himself, at least rejected fascism…

So, it’s not at all entirely clear where he stands, I guess? But then again, that is what a fascist attempting to be stealthy would probably say… Those interviews/articles are pretty problematic.