Now we know what Grimes saw in Elon

Originally published at: Now we know what Grimes saw in Elon - Boing Boing


Hey Grimes…

eric fanning page GIF


They always mean “final solution” in some shape or form, implicitly or explicitly. Fascists and their sympathizers have nothing good to offer humanity beside crawling back to where they come from.

I hope she gets her $2,760 in child support.


Season 1 Yes GIF by Paramount+


I kinda feel like I want to see the offending memes before throwing her in the Nazi basket forever.

Not that I don’t already sigh and hit ‘skip’ when one of her albums from before she married Elon comes up in random rotation, but…


Is there some third option where the kids are not raised by either of these people?


The only real victims in this overgrowth children squabble.


Huh, there was me thinking her reason for liking the billionaire was his money. How lucky for her, finding one that was also a massive asshole!


“Hi, I’m a white supremacist who can admire non-white peoples if they build mighty empires or preserve ancient, pure cultures.”


i cant believe she still has a personal twitter account. she’s got to know that he reads her dms, and the dms of anyone she interacts with. it’d be almost like handing your ex (x?) the password to your phone. /shiver.


Anyone who leans into the whole concept of whiteness is leaning into nazi views, whether or not they understand that’s what they’re doing. “white” is a made up concept meant to keep some people in control over others. It’s meant to confer superiority by some people who are of European extraction. It was not a concept prior to the age of European colonization after the Columbian voyages…

What’s more, it’s an unstable category that not all “white” people have historically fit into. See this book for a longer history of the “white” people, how that’s changed over time, and some of the damage it’s done to the world:

We’re going to keep doing this same destructive shit as long as we hold this idea in our heads. It’s well past time to rid ourselves of it and figure out something better.


I’m not going to call her a Nazi. “Nitwit” seems the more appropriate appellation.


i dunno. i think she’s fully capable of own her own white supremacist and fascist views. it’s easy i think to lean on gendered stereotypes of young(ish) women being “airheads” or whatever. but she’s an adult, and should know what she’s doing

i’m more and more inclined to think her “we appreciate power” about “upgrading” human beings was not ironic, but actually about embracing eugenics and fascism. ( just the post cyberpunk version so it’s cool for the kids )


Yet, she’s embracing an ideology most well connected to nazis. :woman_shrugging: We should make this connection clearer for people to understand just how poisonous it is, I’d argue. There is no real positives to embracing “white supremacy” and it all eventually runs down that nazi hill.


I’m going to bring this up every time Grimes is mentioned:

I didn’t know who she was before the whole Elon thing and now this. She sounds like a terrible person and it taints the only thing I know her from:

The intro music to the animated series Hilda.

Which is a shame. I just finished the 3rd season and the movie which take place between the 2nd and 3rd season (seen out of order, because I didn’t know!)

It is a beautiful, wholesome animated show with wonder and magic and mythical creatures and adventures, with fun characters, great animation and colors, a sprinkle of scary/suspenseful scenes, and a lovely soundtrack (done by people other than Grimes.)

So I will keep taking the time to bring up the only “good” thing I know her for and hope she otherwise fades away. :confused:

Go watch Hilda if you want a palate cleanser.


Erm - even you think creating empires by military conquest is a good thing (hint: it’s not); Cyrus’s empire came along after the Egyptians, Hittites, Hyksos, Medians, Lydians, Assyrians and Babylonians (amongst many others) had already carved out empires in that part of the world long before the Achaemenids warmed up their chariots.

Maybe it was their shared narcissism and lack of knowledge that first attracted Grimes and Musk to one another.


I just finished the latest season. It is such a wonderful show.


I think the odds say you’re lucky if you find a billionaire that isn’t a massive asshole.


When I first heard about her spouting off this way about “cultures,” I too was tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Now though, she’s doubling down:

The “Genesis” singer, who has come under fire lately for “liking” Nazi memes on X, instead explained that she will “ride always for the beauty and ingenuity of all humans.”

"I’m called a Nazi because I happily am proud of white culture.

Liking Nazi memes? Okay which ones, but still, “happily proud of white culture”? After all the flak she’d received for first saying that?

She’s clearly not listening, and clearly doesn’t give a fuck if she’s in effect boosting white supremacy.

She’s definitely smart enough to know what she’s doing, so fuck her sez I.


Excited Lets Go GIF