Trencherwoman eats giant burger in under 10 minutes

How is that worse that doing non-biologically-required activities until your body rebels and you puke and shit yourself (marathons) or sustain mental or physical damage (pick a professional “sport”)?

I mean – we’re not “just” animals – we do all kinds of things that are not biologically required.

What does it say about us a species that we have places to sleep that are decorated? heated? filled with books? That we write books? That we can read a book at one sitting?


She keeps talking about how good the burger tastes. I have to call bullshit. While I’m sure the burger does taste good I’m also sure that when you’re cramming that much food down your neck you’re not enjoying the taste.


Seems to me it’s not really a “burger” anymore if you have to remove the bun to eat it.

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Seeing that, I thought I was filled with pride. It turned out to be hamburger.


I don’t know. What normally happens when food reaches the exit? I’d check, but I’m ever so frightened to. I’ve heard noises coming from down there. I think they’re ghosts.
And their breath is terrible.


There are zillions of viddies for folks who want to watch others eat amazing food, bizarre food, gourmet food, oodles of noodles, and Omigawd!, didja see how many/much … s/he just … ? I wonder what kinds of societal/biological/psychological itches these scratch.

I have a pretty good idea how she eats like that and stays so slim.

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I think I’m in love.

I’m not proud of that.


She ain’t the only one!

Judging by Kate Ovens’ video collection, Newcastle has an overabundance of very large meals. Besides this place (Jam Jar), she has vids from The Bluebell (‘Oh My Cod’ 35oz Fish and Chip Challenge), Osbornes (10000 Calorie Dustbin Lid Food Challenge), the aptly-named Fat Hippo (6 Burger Tower Food Challenge), and Longhorns (7Lbs ‘Breaking Bad-Ass’ BBQ Food Challenge). Several of these are in one small town, Jesmond.

Considering the environmental damage associated with meat too, I see it on a similar level to something like rolling coal - just pointless, overt consumption of resources not available to many others, in a way that harms other people without benefiting you. Late stage capitalism…


I burned a nickel once.


So what you’re saying is: golf.


God, y’all can be a bunch of killjoys. It looks like she’s having fun, she says she’s enjoying the taste, and clearly doing something she loves. Despite the indulgence, the UK’s carbon emissions are, from what I can tell from a cursory search, on a downward trend, and are per capita half of the United States’. If you’re really worried about the environment or social issues of hunger, tut-tutting people’s weird hobbies is maybe the least effective method of improving them.


Holy mole! I could finish maybe… Half of one of those bowls? The human body is a weird, weird thing :slightly_smiling:

(Now I kinda want a bowl of noodles…)

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There’s more than one other exit! Her pores can just crank it out as moisturizer (letting others know she’s had a cheat day) or if she actually digs trenches rather than follow that Houston restaurant’s bede, high quality sewer installation. If I spell it tencherwoman I get a consensus -from sexy photo site metadata- (via the search) that it’s a teacher. Donating blood and stuff, maybe. You know those kidney ports? Maybe there’s a pork port.

Because if there were explosive butt stuff, she’d be putting something on the sammich to tamp it down. Beads, tabasco, charcoal, something.


That’s why you’re not supposed to take the wooden ones! I always wondered…


I dunno, was that the one that you got free if you could finish it at the Lord Harpole? Most likely, yes.

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Lots of people who claim to be environmental activists have carbon footprints orders of magnitude greater than this woman’s, so I’m inclined to give her a pass.

It’s not a big deal, it’s more symbolic than significant when it comes to real-world effects. I don’t have anything against this person, it’s just that making a sport out of consuming as much as possible in a given time seems a bit gross to me. I also happened to be looking at some of the environmental effects of beef production just before commenting, so that influenced the main impression I got at the time.

Honestly though, that burger looks delicious and half of that would make a great meal. Maybe with one of those one plate salad offers they used to have in Pizza Huts in China.