Triple amputee veteran starts GoFundMe for Trump's border wall

The great thing is, there’s a some competition for this fake wall-building campaign (though not all results are relevant):

It’s funny to see people’s comments in some of the campaigns: “This one is a scam!”

I mean, there’s literally no mechanism by which this money could even be used for wall building.

At which point the next administration will tell him, “Sorry, we can’t accept this money…”

Yeah, $5 billion is apparently the minimum starter funds they need for the wall, which will cost closer to 25 billion dollars by all accounts.

The land rights issue will keep them tied up in court for a while, too (since it’s largely going to have to be built on private property). I mean, they’re still tied up fighting over the property rights issues that stymied the last attempt to expand the wall - during the Bush administration.


“If Trump is so rich” - I see the flaw in that conditional…

It’s a solidly established fact that the population in the US that commits the fewest crimes, is immigrants. Documented immigrants commit crimes at a rate that’s a small fraction of that of native-born Americans. Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans. The safest community you can be in is an immigrant community.

I mean, (at least) half of women are not just killed by someone they knew not just personally but intimately, and a third of women by someone they knew was a threat (but legal mechanisms to protect them failed, failed to prevent abusers and stalkers from having weapons, etc.). Yet there’s no mass outcry about that


Exactly what I was thinking of when I posted my comment.

Personally, I ain’t worried about any illegal immigrants or some pitiful ‘caravan’ of desperate people seeking asylum; I’m worried about xenophobic bigoted misogynists like ‘Biff’ and ‘Brad’ down the street, with their hoard of firearms, and all their like-minded buddies on the the police force.


Fixing the infraststructure in the USA does nothing to deter scary dark people.

Nothing in the USA is socialist. Nothing. People tell me this, so it must be true. We are totally 100% capitalist in all ways. If socialism was so great, why did Russia fall apart?

Well, I have heard people say that they would voluarily fund many things they are against using taxes for, bc then it is voluntary and not required by the Democrats. When I point out that I want all my taxes to go toward things not called the military industrial & prison industry, I am told that national security is too important to allow “people like me” to defund it.

I bet this money somehow ends up getting illegally funnelled into GOP re-election campaigns in 2020.


I wonder what GoFundMe’s cut of 1 beeeeelion dollars will be?


And won’t taxes come out as well?


You can bypass Treasury and give money to at least some specific agencies, too (someone tweeted instructions for donating to NASA a couple weeks ago; I assume other agencies have similar processes), but you’re correct that you can’t designate the use of those funds for a specific purpose, and I don’t think the agency has any obligation to tell you what it does with them.

Shh, the GOP has declared that Russia is our friend now! If you want to wag your tongue about how broken socialism is, the new go-to scapegoat is Venezuela. /s


If you were the only sane person in a group of 50 insane - could YOU prove it?

Can you see how dismissing someone’s thoughts on these matters as brain damage, might be considered the foulest cheat imaginable during a contest of ideas?

Never considered? Why anyone would support a scumbag like Trump - while grasping the depths of his foulness.

It’s the idea. The idea of a sovereign nation taking care of it’s OWN citizens. You know, what politicians once promised to do…

I propose a new GoFundMe, $1Billion to tear down whatever section of wall is built by the aforementioned GoFundMe if it is successful. It is expected that restoration of the site will be significantly less, so remaining funds will go to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

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Ultimately, there’s a simple solution. We need a total and complete shut down of men until we “can figure out what’s going on”…


As I recall, what the Wall was good for was stimulating employment. Maybe Trump’s trying to sneak in some WPA action?


The Great Wall was more an early warning system than an actual wall. They knew that it could never keep the barbarians out entirely, all it did was give a timely warning and a slight delay for the invaders. That was often enough to assemble an army further back and repel the invaders.


A vet. I wonder if there’s a way to take back a thanking salute.

Damn, we’ve dragged ourselves far, far away from Hands Across America.

I was reminded of that event reading your post.


To be fair, 51 homicides by illegal immigrants really is too many. But, something tells me that this guy doesn’t really care about the 900 other homicides, which is also too many (almost 18 times too many).


Like medicaid/ medicare, Food Stamps, CHIP-- stuff like that?


Wait a minute!

Shouldn’t this GoFundMe be limited to Mexican citizens?


Well I did see more than one variation of “Mex Ico” in the donor’s list.

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If that’s the goal, where are all these right-wing populists when it comes to supporting social welfare programmes for all citizens? From what I see they’re all about cutting taxes and restricting services to the “deserving” (decades-old conservative dog whistle for “white people”).

Also, on a broader demographic scale, they’re more focused on keeping out the immigrants that they need in their dying rural backwaters:

But they don’t think critically about these matters, which is why they ended up voting for a known grifter out of a combination of bigotry and spite.


Because for them, “taking care of” is code for “keeping scary brown people away from”.


I immediately thought of that scene from Starship Troopers.

“The Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today.”