Truck driver plows into people in New York bike lane, multiple deaths reported

This is shockingly accurate. I am closely related to a ‘sharp point of the spear’ myself.

Have heard him make acronyms of the letters G.O.D. to refer to himself.

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If you say so, but I can point out a lot more examples of fuckery than that committed directly or indirectly by the USA in the past 70 years. shrug If you feel better about blaming every last problem in the world on the USA, enjoy it. I’ll take all responsibility for the USA’s fuckery I feel I owe.

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I do. You should.

It won’t change my point. Our own terrorism overseas is coming home to roost.

:roll_eyes: ?

When did this become about my feelings? That is the argument of a scoundrel, changing the subject to “wrong feelings”. Feelings are never wrong. Only actions can be wrong.

and, when did I mention every last problem? I am talking about one problem.

I’m not seeking gratification here. Do you feel better with that off your chest?

My mentioning that we in the US are responsible is not me placing blame, it is me accepting responsibility and it is a call for those capable of responsibility to step the fuck up.

It feels good to be responsible. Thats how I get my gratification.

Some folks could try it instead of spending so much time on holding others responsible for their own actions and imaginations.

Sweet dreams kid, I mean well.

So victim blaming?


Is it victim blaming when you’re blaming a nation-state that has a pretty bad track record with regards to going to war in places where we probably don’t need to be going to war?


Unfortunately that should be expected based on warfighting of the las 50+ years.

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The statement suggests some how random citizens deserve to be run over because their government is involved in wars they shouldn’t be in. Even though said citizens may not support those wars. Hell its NYC which has a ton of tourists and people passing through on business and such. Victims may not even be American.

Pre-9/11 we had a pretty small foot print in the middle east, but not entirely, so were they also at least partially deserved?

Domestic Terrorists like McVeigh at least targeted actual government buildings of the same government of today, so was that at least partially deserved?

As some one pointed out - there was always terrorism. Before the US got directly involved the Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Iraq had less terror attacks because Saddam was a brutal dictator who killed anyone who dared pull that shit and their families. Our shit planning and war allowed these groups to gain power, but that seed was always there. Now they are killing fellow Muslims who haven’t started unnecessary wars, but who’s sin is being the wrong flavor of Muslim

We could play “We Didn’t Start the Fire” on repeat while we leap frog transgression over transgression as we peel back history, only to learn no one is innocent.

So either one can conclude that all of it is deserved to a degree, or that two wrongs don’t make a right.


In democracies people elect their government.

There are citizens in other countries getting run over because the government of another country is involved in wars they shouldn’t be in.


Propping up Saudis and Gulf poo-bahs, ethnic cleansing of Palestine, overthrow of elected govt Iran, installation of Saddam, etc., etc.


This guy is from Uzbekistan.

But who knows what is going on in Uzbekistan? Or Niger?



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Probably, if the nation-state in question is not actually a democracy. Hint: The USA isn’t a democracy.

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The problem in your statement is that the USA isn’t really a democracy in any even slightly nuanced sense of the word. We’re waaaay past that point. If we were ever there to begin with. (Which I think pretty clearly we weren’t.)


Do you have a source for this? I’m as sick of this fucking self-perpetuating race war as anyone, but it’s pretty well-established that militant fundamentalist Muslims kill people, and I’m loathe to assume otherwise without solid evidence.

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We’re not the victims, so, no. Also, EWWWWW.

totally unlike militant fundamentalist Christians, Jews, etc…

Both of those groups have been at it 1000 years longer than the Muslims, FYI.

Maybe it’s the fundamentalism and the militarism, and not the religion at all?


It never claimed to be. It’s a Parliamentary Republic.

Not even a word game, distinction with a difference.

If it were a Democracy it would be much easier to clean this mess up, and honestly, much harder to have made such a mess in the first place.


Holy shit, you got that from this:

Our own terrorism overseas is coming home to roost.

I just can’t possibly take responsibility for your implications there.

Deserve?? Wow man. Wow.

When you let go of a rock, does it “Deserve” to hit the ground, or is that just a logical consequence of letting a rock go?

Let me assure you, I do not think the way you imply/state I do. That came from you. You’re not a talented mind reader. Neither am I.

Which I assume you will now “interpret” me to mean something else you don’t want to take responsibility for thinking but just cant not say.

I’ve usually considered you significantly more authentic than this. This is just nonsense.


It’s also an Internet Tough Guy™ argument.

Well, it’s rather the complete absence of evidence - in several of these cases, there’s no evidence at all that they had any particular interest in religion, much less were they radicalized in any particular fundamentalist strain, nor that they had any connection to, or even sympathy with, Daesh. The only thing connecting them to “Islamic fundamentalism” is something they said during their attacks, otherwise they’re pretty much like any other (white, Christian) mass killers who aren’t motivated by ideology. “ISIS” seems to have become to angry/disturbed Muslim youths what “Satan” was to angry/disturbed '80s Christian teenagers - something that they can connect themselves to, in order to draw attention and add power to their anti-social actions.
And it certainly works - running down a dozen people in a truck not only goes from local news to national news, but becomes bigger news than the largest mass shooting by an individual in US history, with even the president immediately getting involved. Shoot 600 people and it changes nothing (except for those shot), hurt six people and shout something about ISIS or Allah, it’ll impact national policy.