Trump admin to unpaid federal workers who can't make rent: beg, barter, and get a lawyer

I can’t remember when someone pointed out to me that the department we used to call “Personnel” is now called “Human Resources”, because they no longer have to care about the staff, only the employer.


Our HR folks insecurely disposed of documents containing SS#’s of several hundred workers, many of whom subsequently became victims of identity theft. Then offered no assistance to the affected workers.

Malice and incompetence.




“The Trump administration is advising people… to literally barter with their landlords and offer to paint or do labor in exchange for partial rent.”

Tenant/landlord bartering. Wonder where that idea came from. Oh, yeah. Favors for tenant in exchange for bone spurs.


I’m going to wait and see what Qanon has to say about this.


Did you manage to collect a paycheck? :rofl:

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To be fair, in an administration where many folks’ lawyers need lawyers, it’s an understandable assumption that everyone would have a personal attorney.


If I were a landlord I might consider trading a tenant their vote for a reduced rent. Get the whole family to vote D, and I’ll let the whole month slide! (not sure if this is legal… meh, not sure if it even matters anymore)

That’s good, b/c I’m sure the typical tenant feels the same way!


Yeah, they would have turned it into another tax-dodge scam, and like the others, made money off it as well. (Like that tax scam where they double-billed themselves for goods and then also used it to justify raising rents.)


Was scrolling thru here to see if the middle finger had been posted yet. If not, I was gonna. I still might. There’s really not enough middle fingers in the entire world for this sorta shit.


oddly enough, of all the agencies my wife has had to deal with during the course of her retirement from the postal service, opm has been the paragon of efficiency, courtesy, and helpfulness.


Goddamn I can’t high five you over the internet, but I want to so hard I’d break your wrist, epic burn.

This shit is beyond infuriating on so many levels. I want every asshole involved with this memo fired immediately so they can learn what it’s like to negotiate with their landlord after they hire a private attorney with money they don’t fucking have.

The level of ignorance of a normal working person’s life in the eyes of trump cronies is beyond stunning. And the truly unbelievable part is that they are fucking people over that actually stayed and tried to help them do their jobs. They are literally fucking their own workers.

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No. They were refusing to pay out my FERS retirement account because they said I was still working there, and it was messing up my ability to get insurance at my new job.

I should have gotten a paycheck for all the faxes of documents I kept sending in!!!


OPM: Strip mining the human resource since 1969.

Save it for the 1%. Twittler and family deserve matching orange prison outfits to the end of their days.

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To be fair i held back, that was the least offensive thing i could bring myself to post.


Nah, it would be business like “in the good old days”… You know, the sharecropping days with a plantation store.


Ah yes, but Trump has just claimed (via tweet) that almost all of the government employees currently hurting for money because of the shutdown are Democrats, and the Wall-funders wouldn’t dream of paying their rent. As far as they’re concerned, the shutdown is a double-win, because not only will it eventually force the Democrats to capitulate and give the Maximum Leader his precious Wall, but it hurts the Enemy as well. Winning!


Or, it was created in 2013, and the Obama Admin said, “Good lord no, we can’t release this,” and shelved it. Until today.