Trump Administration: a climate denier for the EPA, a Goldman-Sachs banker for Treasury

Given the stuff that’s been showing up in mine and other Jewish people’s inboxes, Twitter notifications, and such… that “brand” is apparently the generic.

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It’s not, the clear majority of people don’t think like this but apparently they’re surprisingly chill about the minority that does think like that which is probably worse.

It’s times like this that I fully understand what Dr. King meant by saying that he felt that the White Moderate was worse than the active racist.


Their children certainly picked up the mantle.


Though I can’t say that too much because there is a surprising upswell in the under 30 crowd feeling that way too.


I don’t like the truth of all this.

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Dude. Where have you been?

The Southern Poverty Law Center has some additional notes about Trump’s staff. For his immigration transition team, Kobach, of counsel with the racist hate group FAIR. For the domestic issues transition team, Blackwell, senior fellow at the homophobic hate group FRC.

If anyone really thought Trump was going to stick it to the bankers, they are going to be disappointed, but people who supported his core platform of hatred need not be.


Real fucking outsider Trump turns out to be. Fuck’s sake.


I wish there was a great jewish conspiracy. I wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job.


The “impending ice age” thing was one research paper which was instantly debunked a dozen times over. By papers that demonstrated that, actually, the world was warming at a dangerous rate…


Tell Trump that if he wants to be at the top of a social ladder, he has to climate first.


It’s almost as if it was an anger vote to SHOW LIBRULS and knew very well that they were voting to be fucked over by a barely literate toad-man.


And zero fans will be disappointed.

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It’s been a long time, but IIRC the paper even said the alarming rate of raising temperatures was proof of an oncoming ice age was coming.

I’d happily get corrected, it’s been a long time since anyone has even brought it up when I was paying attention.

TIME Magazine Cover Warning of Coming Ice Age Is a Fake | .

Can you actually quote the real “study”? That would make it easier to refute.

No idea, it was given to me as a teacher before the whole easy access to scientific papers online. It could have been completely fake, but my teacher thought it was bullshit at the time (late 90s) and said it was legit. I had it for a lengthy time but I eventually pitched it.

I mean global warming was something I learned about as a curious kid, so I have not exactly needed to try and prove it wrong when the consensus was always there…

“So global cooling predictions in the 70s amounted to media and a handful of peer reviewed studies. The small number of papers predicting cooling were outweighed by a much greater number of papers predicting global warming due to the warming effect of rising CO2. Today, an avalanche of peer reviewed studies and overwhelming scientific consensus endorse man-made global warming. To compare cooling predictions in the 70s to the current situation is both inappropriate and misleading. Additionally, we reduced the SO2 emissions which were causing global cooling. The question remains whether we will reduce the CO2 emissions causing global warming.”

So it was bullshit back then too, but a media novelty therefore memorable to many.


Works for me. I was taught it was bullshit anyways.

The instantly-debunked one was Rasool and Schneider, but any given denier may be referring to any of a number of papers (or, more likely, none).

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