Trump and his allies plan to make him a dictator, reports NY Times

I agree that the GOP has crossed the line into fascism. I don’t agree that there will be billions dead, not through war anyway. It’ll be all about routing cash to the big donors while keeping expenses down. Wars are expensive, so if it done without military conflicts, it will be.

Famines and pandemics on the other hand…


For me the news would break with a headline including ‘massive storm surge’ and ‘Mar a Lago’.


You’d have to divide the first part up a bit finer. Very broadly speaking, one might say that there’s the first republic (1789 to 1865), the second republic (1866-1919), the third republic (1920-1965), and the current fourth one – with various crises interspersed.

We’re coming up on a big crisis point, but the future isn’t yet written.


The rest of the Republican Party “leadership” likely would survive in that scenario.

Sorry Milwaukee, but a sufficiently large meteor hitting the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, WI where the 2024 Republican National Convention meets to nominate the candidate could eliminate all or almost all of the leadership of the Cult of Trump.


There are times, when one simply yearns that knife missiles were real.


Good news, everyone!

The Hellfire R9X is a Hellfire variant with a kinetic warhead with pop-out blades instead of explosives, used against specific human targets. Its lethality is due to 45 kg (99 lb) of dense material with six blades flying at high speed, to crush and cut the targeted person[49]— the R9X has also been referred to as the ‘Ninja Missile’[50] and ‘Flying Ginsu’.[49]


do you read the articles, or just the headlines?

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Apparently the missus is all ready to play her part.


The two of them remind me of General Brad Whiticker


“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran the Office of Management and Budget in the Trump White House and now runs a policy organization, the Center for Renewing America

those sorts of details are kind of important, as they prove the headline.


This is historically true of all dictators, too. Hitler (sorry for Godwinning so soon) wasn’t stupid, but wasn’t brilliantly competent either. He made a lot of really really stupid decisions. Backstabbing the Russians and instantly making the war unwinnable for himself was a big obvious one of course, but he made hundreds of other bad decisions. The more you read about his leadership, you more you learn how much he was being propped up by some competent generals and senior staff.

It’s a persistent myth that fascism is efficient and therefore the leaders must be smart. People often frame it as disappointing that they’re evil because they sure do keep the trains on time. That’s never been true though. Fascist regimes are historically inefficient economically and their leaders are petty narcissists who start wars that doom them because they don’t like how someone looked at them.


As I like to say, there’s only one kind of train these goons make sure runs on time.


Well, he’s already a dick. They just want to add the tator!


Where were they in the last 7 yrs? Was no one at their editorial department remembered that lord dampnut was gutting everything in his 1st year (including Obama’s Pandemic-Preparedness Systems)? That was his trial run. They should have report this on day one when this guy announced his candidacy and drumming that fact loud and clear everyday until now. Not to mention being this demagogue’s megaphone and publishing all those opinion pieces by this fascist enabler shitheads are not helping about this report.

They can say what they will but as soon as Tr*mp get elected, they will bend the knee and kiss the ring just to earn their “state-sanctioned” news media status. They keep cheering and giving the fascists more help everytimes the overton window moving right.


Well, there was a lot of pearl clutching to do about drag shows in libraries, and if The Grey Lady wasn’t there to write editorial thinkpieces just asking questions about that, who would? Who would do this important work?


In a sense, this article is a part of that process.

The strategy in talking openly about such “paradigm-shifting ideas” before the election, Mr. Vought said, is to “plant a flag” — both to shift the debate and to later be able to claim a mandate. He said he was delighted to see few of Mr. Trump’s Republican primary rivals defend the norm of Justice Department independence after the former president openly attacked it.

so while the article can be read as “Donald Trump plans to be the worst president in American History (even worse than in his first term), and we’ve got the receipts to prove it” it’s also advertising these schemes to a republican base that is weirdly enthusiastic about that possibility.


To be fair, there was never any doubt amongst his republican base.


Message to anyone out there hoping for a time machine after Trump gets back into the White House: It worked. You – by sheer willpower – have been transported to the here and now – what you had experienced as the supposedly unretrievable past. So? What are you waiting for?


