Trump approval rating "in the toilet"

They’ll be as subtle as they think they can afford to be.

Disenfranchisement in the USA already has:

  • The gerrymander.

  • Felon disenfranchisement combined with racially-biased mass incarceration.

  • Weekday voting combined with minimal industrial rights, making it functionally impossible for many working class people to vote.

Recent additions are:

  • Voter ID laws, deliberately targeted to exclude the poor.

  • The near elimination of postal and early voting across the red states.

  • Racially targeted mass purges of voters from the rolls, combined with restriction of the ability to meaningfully appeal deregistration.

  • The annihilation of the Voting Rights Act by the USSC.

They spent the last election loudly suggesting that they were going to ramp up in-person voter intimidation, but didn’t follow through; just the threat was effective enough this time.

But they will ramp it up to whatever degree is necessary. If they can do it with just ID laws, they’ll do that. If they have to have a posse of open-carry Trumpeters standing outside every voting booth and threatening every non-white person they see, they’ll do that.

Again, these tactics don’t have to be 100% effective to work. They just need to have enough of an effect to skew that 40% vote into 51% of the seats.

You can do that with gerrymandering alone if you’re sufficiently shameless about it.