Originally published at: Trump boasts of "packed" audience for his CPAC speech, photo tells a different story | Boing Boing
The fumblings of one clown are impeding your ability to report on another clown.
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api for more information”,“code”:467}]}
I’d apologize to clowns for the association, but I feel they ought to have known when selecting to become a clown, so I won’t.
Not really; twitter is not the only source for communicating info, and I futilely hope it STAYS down, permanently.
I’ve seen more people gathered to watch actors from Star Trek talk.
Hey now, if they couldn’t get into the building, it would explain why his speech was to a half-empty room…
i’ve seen bigger crowds at an elementary school recorder concert.
I can’t think of an actor from the franchise that I wouldn’t prefer as President instead of Trump. Even Shatner.
Right!?, I’d take Khan over Trump any day. According to the story Khan got hisself born a genetically altered superhooman, whereas tRump only thinks that’s what tRump is.
They could have a superhoomam duel to sort it all out, my money is on Ricardo Montalbon.
One of the comments on the tweet says that it’s the overflow crowd, not the main room.
I tried to match the background behind Trump with what I see in the front of this room and they don’t match. That seems to give some plausibility to this not being the main
I’ve seen bigger crowds of satisfied Trump Steaks customers.
“ticket to the conference, worth up to $29,000”
You mean the lying liar lied? I’m shocked!
You mean the popular, sometimes beloved, actors from the ever popular franchise with hundreds of millions of fans all around the world? Well yeah, of course.
They’ve been having CPAC at National Harbor for the past several years. They weren’t bothered by PG County in previous years.
Alas, William Shatner was born in Canada.
Trump has plenty of experience of performing for people paid by the hour.