Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/11/trump-brags-of-antifa-bein.html
President thanks “The SS” for violence against citizens
keep it up trumps — do it to make america great, sink your own boat
They also stopped the massive unicorn stampede through DC.
“The reason you didn’t see Guardsmen commanded by governors use heavy handed tactics in states is because it devalues them, and increases tension at a delicate moment,” said Jon Soltz, an Iraq war veteran who is the chairman of VoteVets.
Trump ordered them back days later when it became an even bigger PR clusterfuck
It blows my mind that this lunatic still has enough support to potentially win.
Beating up hippies is fashionable again. As an emeritus hippie, I am saddened again. Oh well, remember some hippies fight back. VOTE BLUE up and down your ballot!
All this talk of dog whistles and the SS makes me think of the SD - which would kind of be like the NSA.
Surviving agents infiltrated Hollywood and have immortalized their memory. Does this dog’s tag look suspicious to anyone else?
at the very least it’s sheer stupidity. At the very worst it’s Antisemitism. Either way his base identifies and loves it.
Yes, they easily handled the organization that doesnt even exist, good work.
Heavily armed forces “easily handle” sign-wielding protesters. What are the odds?
Hey, pretty sure that was originally a paintball shirt.
In “speed ball” you play on a smaller course with inflated obstacles called “bunkers”. Usually 5 on 5 or 10 on 10.
To “bunker” someone is usually to make a run and shoot someone more or less at point blank.
And I am like 95% sure they had parody shirts like that back when I played.
But did they have that tiny flip of the edge of the top bun to suggest Trump’s hair thing?
He seems to think that Anarchists and Antifa are the same thing. Not all cats are tigers.
So subtle. I almost didn’t notice it myself. I was like, “huh, bit of a messy silkscree-ohhhhh.”
Yeah. . . it’s easy to “handle” antifa when antifa doesn’t actually get involved in the protest.
Hey, those protestors had cardboard signs, which can be used as weapons! They could cause a paper cut! Those really hurt, you know?
Exactly. Defeating imaginary enemies is as easy or difficult as you want it to be.