I am an older veteran (1967), and EVERY time Senator Duckworth word-slaps the Mango-hued Shitgibbon, I try to stand a little taller!
He didn’t even have the decency to say it himself, he pulled a Fox News and just claimed that “people are saying.” He can’t even tell a lie straight.
Can we arrange for this to happen tomorrow-ish?
You know, if we can convince him he’s been selected to test drive a Tesla on Mars…
Musk has been watching Heavy Metal
It’s not like not clapping is disrespectful. No one used to cheer at the State of the Union until Reagan added fucking applause breaks.
He literally accused Hillary of cheating on Bill during the campaign (citing zero evidence to support the claim, of course).
Looking back that have been soon after Stormy’s check cleared.
Maybe this can be the administration that adds downvotes?
This guy has some cajones does he not? Treasonous? Because they didn’t clap or approve a speech? While ignoring his own damning trangressions? Sociopath, psychopath, whatever you want to say about him, it doesn’t get any worse than this guy and the current GOP Senate and Congress. In my world, they would be found guilty, and all lined up along the Washington Mall. Public executions for all of them. Treason indeed. Fuck you trump and fuck all of the enabling GOP treasonous traitors to this nation!
He accused the Clintons of colluding with Russia. PROJECTION Central!
Dow Joans? I don’t think that was a typo, I really think, he thinks it is ‘Dow Joans’. What a maroon!
Repugs have been doing that for several decades now.
I swear we live in a derpy version of Babylon 5. I’m just waiting for Cheeto to declare some Nightwatch-like agency for “our protection.”
While I love the sentiment, sadly, this is a fake.
It didn’t really pass the smell test. There is no way Trump would mistakenly think that something important to him had a woman’s name.
Sure, but the boy with the tiny hands started all this calling “WOLF”
Why would the ‘Creator’ think anyone would not believe this is real. This is exactly the type of tweet the donald sends out several times per day.
And the word ‘treason’ so that it doesn’t mean much when you are shown to have committed it.