Trump calls for nuclear rearmament

Oh for the love of fuck, can we drop the email thing? Not because it wasn’t important on a certain level. I feel like we got the court jester as president, and all the rules regarding classified information, how it’s handled, how the department of state gets to play fast and loose, etc gets dropped by the wayside.

Can you use any of the more conspiratorial BS instead of the one area where Clinton seriously fucked up? I’d still not be happy with a president that was secretary of state and considered “It wasn’t marked as classified” a legit defense.


Here’s the problem. There are just too many things he has said, tweeted, done, and avoided doing to the human mind to absorb. So he says this, and some people will freak out and others may say “oh that’s not that bad” or “he doesnt mean it” (yet they like him because he speaks his mind – says what he means and means what he says). But soon enough he will say something else stupid and people will forget about everything else and pounce on that, till the ne t thing comes along.

I expect him to bow out after four years. James K Polk himself back to private life. He’s gonna hate this job.


I’m still hoping he doesn’t make it to 4.


Why? It was April when he talked about Japan and Korea stocking up an arsenal of nukes, and he’s brought it up every month or so afterwards.


You mean where Clinton aides fucked up, she took the blame for it, and the FBI didn’t have the grounds to charge her for it nor the interest in charging her aides?


The truth is so boring compared with white nationalists’ paranoid delusion that Hillary is out to actually kill them by garrotting them personally with a pantsuit leg.


Bye. Been nice knowing you all. :wave:


No not at all, the place where anyone DoD side would have been run up the flagpole, her office was a SCIF yet she actually had the gall to say “it wasn’t marked as classified.” No I’m not defending trump either. If you don’t understand where I’m engaging from, take a deep breath, and then do some research.

I’m seriously just talking about how Clinton’s defense of the handling of information doesn’t hold water, and that the FBI deciding to “not prosecute” has no bearing on what dropping the ball in handling such information actually means.

Why do I think he’ll bow out after 4 years? Because he wanted to win but doesn’t want the job. Because he had greatly underestimated what is entailed me the level of scrutiny he’s about to face. It’s hard work and I don’t think he is up for it and the inconvenience of it all.


Just wait. You have a total noob about to take office in 4 weeks. I predict unpresidented mishandling of information. Big league!


Ha. Again, it wasn’t supposed to be a comparison. I don’t know why this country is so fucking bipolar about politics, but the fact that serious issues can get chucked out the window, just because we have to always be in us vs them mode, is a detriment to us all.


He’s most likely not gonna do the job, though. Who’s going to make him? Pence is the one going to security briefings. Pence is going to do the job (ugh), and tRump is going to run his mouth and do whatever he wants. I WISH somebody would call him to task, but as long as all the other GOP nasties are getting everything they want, why would they?

If we’re all going to die, may we die quickly :sweat:


Well, when you have only the two choices, and 2+ million less than half of the people who voted still get to choose who the president will be…


Right. Lets just tie issues to two people, then argue over the people, even when the issues are systemic. Sounds logical.


You haven’t been listening to all the trump voters. A fair share of them are earnestly trying to address systemic problems. They’re just willing to burn the house down while there’s other people still inside in the process.


She made an error, and it was somewhat serious. That’s not the issue. The issue was the media’s (and some of the public’s) treatment of a false equivalence between:

a) Clinton being sloppy with a mail client because their IT setup blocked their work in a way that’s really common among Fed. employees, if widely prosecuted would nail a significant percentage of Fed. employees with charges, which Trump’s advisor Gen. Flynn also engaged in and wasn’t prosecuted for, and which once Trump won he acknowledged he hyperbolized and lied about the seriousness of


b) a person literally engaging in mass scale targeted fraud exploiting the hopes of the poor and struggling, paying for defense lawyers of mafioso bosses who’ve committed serious crimes, being hit with housing discrimination suits for refusing to rent to minorities, bragging about sexually assaulting women, calling Mexicans murderers and rapists, calling for Muslim registries and wide scale persecution of various minorities, incessantly, egregiously, selfishly lying about things that were obvious in your face obnoxious lies, and a litany of other mind-bogglingly vain, horrible, ugly, mean-spirited behaviors.

a) was investigated by the FBI who didn’t press charges, made the front page of the Times dozens of times, was chatted about incessantly on cable news, and while not a trivial issue, was treated as something many orders of magnitude more serious than it was in the interest of “balance” by our worthless corporate media, and which fucking Comey illegally dragged out as an October Surprise, swinging the election to Trump.

So it’s not that the email business wasn’t an issue (there were a set of problems there), it’s that the severity of the issue, which was basically someone occasionally being a bit lazy and sloppy with an email client when they shouldn’t have, was treated as something morally equivalent to committing fraud to deliberately exploit the poor and desperate or intentionally whipping up the rage of the white working class against Muslims, African-American and hispanics with the intent of fomenting blame and hatred against that minority for personal gain.


Yeah, that’s not a solution, and I have been listening to them. (They’re fucking loud.)


I know they’re loud.

There’s polarization for a reason. One side is literally too stupid to know what’s good for themselves, are willing to be unamerican in order to serve their own bigotry and are literally proud to be stupid. How are you supposed to engage with people who value feelings above all else? Because I’m never going to be comfortable telling stupid people sweet lies to make them do what I want.


The classified information that passed across the server had no direct link to Clinton and wasn’t supposed to be there. The FBI even tried to trick Clinton by marking emails she received as classified and she explained that that classification seemed incorrect for the content of the email. What you are trying to do is bring up other cases that are not the same as this case, which was Clinton staffers mishandling classified information while working for Clinton and Clinton stepping in to say it’s my personal server and they didn’t know better.

I was previously mistaken in saying the server had prior authorization when that aspect of it is a little bit hinky in that the rules had been stretched so far that this was another stretch of the rules, but the actual handling of classified information was never shown to have any direct approval from Clinton.

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I wasn’t comparing her to Trump. Sorry I went off in a “Trump” thread.

The internal politics of why Comey and the FBI under him aren’t prosecuting should be left as an exercise for those interested.

As far as being “a bit lazy and sloppy” let me give you an example of a classified briefing, from someone who was first let into one (not me):

n00b. (takes out pen)
person2: "Oh, you’re taking notes?"
n00b: "yes"
person2 (grabs pad, grabs pen, writes “TOP SECRET” across the top of pad.)

The idea that the secretary of state couldn’t recognize what was possibly classified is a joke. As far as classification goes, it was her job to mark it that way.