Trump calls mail-in ballots "corrupt" but reiterates that it's fine when he does it

I’m going to keep calling him Dumbol’dork until it catches on.


check back in about a week.

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Those are mutually inclusive states.

Oregon’s already shown that Vote By Mail works. In 2016, there were only 10 cases proven of voter fraud Out of over 2.5 million votes, most of which were simple errors. The only one that wasn’t really an error was the woman who voted for herself and her daughter.

Compare that to the North Carolina case of GOP campaign consultants fraudulently submitting absentee ballots for over a hundred people. That was for an otherwise in-person election.


Or, to put it more, er, charitably: “it’s corrupt… I’m allowed to [be corrupt].” But we already knew he thought that, so…

When it coincides, like in Wisconsin, with closing down almost all the urban voting locations, forcing predominantly Democratic voters into even bigger crowds to vote, and when African-American voters are disproportionately impacted by the virus (dying at a rate 2-3 times higher than white voters), the whole thing also starts feeling like outright genocide. Writing that, I realized how inflammatory it sounds, but I honestly think in Wisconsin that Republicans were trying to kill people, and they’re not stopping there.


At least he understands that votes have to go through a voting machine in order to have Putin’s team change them. I’m shocked hes learnt that much about how things work.


He completely ignores the fact that even with mail in voting allowed he won the election in 2016. Who is putting these awful rights restricting ideas in is head?

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You get thousands and thousands of people sitting in someone’s living room…

That’s a BIG living room.

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Not to mention all the absentee ballots cast by Americans on active duty in the military every year.

If we can make absentee voting by mail functional and secure for voters who aren’t even physically in the United States then there’s absolutely no reason to think we couldn’t make it work for every state.


How can you say it works when less than 15% of Oregon’s congressional delegation is Republican? Whatever they are doing there should be illegal.


If only Oregon did more gerrymandering, I’m sure we could get that down to 0%.


He’s opened another front on mail voting:


It’s been a long time Republican fantasy to kill the postal service. I don’t see them doing anything here to help unless their hands are forced.

I live in WA and I do have to say that mail in voting is fucking awesome - you don’t even have to pay for postage. Despite Trump’s fantasy projection about groups of people stuffing fake ballots into envelopes to rig the election, it’s not like that at all. There are a lot of safeguards in place with WA’s mail in system to prevent fraud.


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