Has Ivanka’s factory in China been locked down?
What @DonatellaNobody said.
For more detail we could start with Fins, progress to Cheeseburger in Paradise, and finish by working our way through the rest of his catalog.
He’s also responsible for the tearing down of the first recording studio in the south, which is being torn down to make way for a fucking margaritaville… because everything is terrible.
I dunno, these days I’d rather the belligerent drunks had mellow music. Get them sauced and fire up a Beastie Boys album and they’re likely to start fires and break sh1t… FSM knows, we’ve got enough of that as it is.
Probably high pressure fire hoses. What’s old is new again.
tRumps tiny hands crumpled up in to flaccid fists?
So has #bunkerbitch.
Trump left his bunker and people along the route expressed themselves loud and clear | Daily Kos
Lotsa great signs and upright middle fingers.
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