Trump denounces racism

I have no doubt that BLM is among those “other groups.” Along with black people in general.


By other groups - he means his cabinet?


image Corrected. I could see how that might have looked like something other than what was intended. A comparison was being discussed, and I was mentally doing a strcmp().


And still “god god god, almighty god, god save america, god, god, god”. That guy is probably the least christian president ever, but that’s what his base wants to hear.


Or it could be anti-fa.

The value to him is to keep it ambiguous so that he can paint all counter-protestors with the same brush and indirectly reference the latest construct the right is using to marginalize all liberal protest — “the violent left.” You’ll note that he still has not said one word praising peaceful counter-protestors.

Instead, the whitehouse has elaborated on today’s comments by saying:

A White House official later elaborated on Trump’s comments, indicating that he was opposed to the “hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides” and noting that “there was violence between protesters and counterprotesters.

And, while I’m opposed to anti-fa, and think that punching nazis is cathartic but bad strategy, I thought this was a pretty good cartoon:


You do know that antifa is not an organisation, and groups can vary from purely self defensive action to attacking first (most groups tend to be towards the self defence end of the spectrum, but they don’t get the attention of the press)?


Ok, shorthand for “I’m opposed to anti-fa violence.”


fair enough.

… and he’s a Nazi.


It must have taken a whole day to get his meds right and rehearse that.

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He actually said “including the KKK, neo-nazis, and other hate groups”.

Not sure why Rob Beschizza decided to leave out 4 letters and a space in his already long headling, but people seem to be mirroring this significant change.

Echo… echoo… echoooo.

No, I don’t think even Trump has ever refered to BLM as a hate group, and it certainly does NOT mean black people in general.

Trump might not be sincere, but he at least said the right words. Though I do think he’s sincere… sincerely worried how this reflects on him, anyhow.

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The quote isn’t “and other groups.” If you actually (gasp) take the time to listen to (or look up a transcript of) the speach you are (mis)quoting, he said “kkk, neo-nazis, and other hate groups”.

SO no, that wouldn’t be be BLM (even Trump doesn’t call them a hate group), and certainly not “black people in general.” I’ll grant some wiggle room on anti-fa; he certainly left the door open to prosecute counter-protesters who engaged in violence (or who are accused).

(Are you watching MSNBC too?)

You give him far too much credit for being self-aware;

He made the statement ‘repudiating’ hate groups because he was likely pressured into it by everyone around him… not because he has any actual understanding of the optics and how bad it would look if he did not make a denouncement.

That said, nothing he says means anything; his word is completely worthless.


You sure are bending over backwards to give a lot of leeway to a man who surrounds himself with committed bigots and hatemongers.

I prefer to assume we can judge him pretty well by the company he keeps.


My Gram always said that if you hang around trash long enough, you begin to smell like it.



As John Oliver put it, “White supremacists are like cats. If they like you, it’s probably because you’re feeding them.”


Heh. That way, no one will notice that you were lying down with dogs and caught fleas.

Ach. I’m searching for a rejoinder, but the metaphors are piling up too fast!

(Now where’s my rat poison…?)