Trump denounces racism

Here let me. To compare cats to white supremacists is an insult to cats. At least cats use their litter boxes. White supremacists spew their shit in all directions, on themselves, their families, their homes and everyone they talk to or interact with.


The constant scratching gives it away, though.

That’s clever, but what an insult to cats!

Jinx, again!


Yeah, I went back and forth on whether to quote it. Liked it more than disliked it, but it was one of those 60/40 decisions. How about “feral cats”?


Maybe you should clarify what/whom you actually support.

Nitpicking that one word out of an obviously insincere statement seems like going out of one’s way to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who has not earned it.

Even feral cats are better behaved than white supremacists; in that if you leave them alone, they’ll usually leave you alone.


@milliefink use of “those” in the sentence “those ‘other groups’” refers to the subject of the discussion, which is hate groups. In a discussion, not repeating an entire phrase is common after the first couple of exchanges, after which context is sufficient.


If you lie down with dogs, it was probably a mistake to have covered yourself with peanut butter.


You don’t think Trump is glad to count among his supporters those who consider BLM a hate group? And those who think black people hate white people? And that if he himself doesn’t believe such things, he still won’t make any effort to disabuse such supporters of those ridiculous notions?


Feral remorseless rabid cat-like aliens who spend every moment planning how to kill good things, and explode when put in contact with water or sunlight, and smell like an elephant’s butt?

nah, still better than white supremacists.

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Let’s also not let this get lost in the shuffle:

It takes him days to denounce hate groups (and he hasn’t done it on Twitter, which is hugely telling), but less than an hour to try to publicly shame a successful black man that dared to stand up against him. Hmmm…


There you lefties go again with the race card, searching for racism and finding it everywhere you look! /s, etc etc


Why does @sebwiers have to clarify that? It’s completely irrelevant to the point he or she is making, which is a good one: that we’re all here discussing something that is at best misleading and at worst intentionally so. It’s hardly “nitpicking” to point that out. And I don’t think our underlying idealogy should matter much in discussing that, since in theory we’re here to process the event, and not just bond on our common opposition to Trump, facts be damned, right?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for bonding on our common opposition to Trump, and lord knows we need places to do that, but if we’re just going to form a mindless echo chamber that twists the facts, we’re just as bad and useless as our right wing counterparts.

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From what I’ve read, @sebwiers didn’t defend Trump, or his views on BLM. He just criticized BoingBoing. Rightly in my opinion.

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I didn’t say that he or she ‘has to’ do anything; but if one is going deign to get needlessly snide with someone else over one’s comment, then one should be prepared to defend one’s position.

That’s what you’re choosing to discuss; it’s not the topic at hand, which is 45’s meaningless lip service.

Next, the BBS is more akin to a blog than a legit news source; so everything that’s posted here should be taken with a grain of salt.

I tend to fault Rob far less for leaving out a word than I do anyone who has to resort to mental contortions in order to make the apparent lack of spine on the part of 45 more palatable to their psyche.

Deigning to speak for 45 or his intent is a folly that even his staff is hesitant to undertake knowing that at any moment he can/will likely contradict them.

Not that BBS is beyond criticism, but that really is beside the actual point.
We all are here commenting by choice; no one is forcing us read or respond to anything.


But some of his supporters, such as Sheriff David Clarke, have:

(Apologies for the links to Fox.)


Sheriff Clarke said the “slimy people” who comprise the Black Live Matter movement are racist because they preach racial superiority.

Head asplodes


The quote isn’t “and other groups.” If you actually (gasp) take the time to listen to (or look up a transcript of) the speach you are (mis)quoting, he said “kkk, neo-nazis, and other hate groups”.

I’m not sure why you choose to reply to me since I was pointing out that he could easily be referring to anti-fa instead of BLM. But, since you did…

That’s a distinction without a difference. To his racist base BLM is a hate group. The elided headline isn’t confusing anyone here who doesn’t want to be confused, and it accurately describes the message as heard by trump’s racist base. There is literally no form of protest by black people that they could accept as not hateful because they embody white fragility.


When it comes to the right’s massive shibboleth that the left is seething with hate, Trump does absolutely zero to dispel it. Which is no surprise, given how much it undergirds support for him.


That’s what you’re choosing to discuss; it’s not the topic at hand, which is 45’s meaningless lip service.

I agree that Trump was spewing meaningless lip service, but I don’t think it helps anyone to deceive them about what that lip service was exactly. Besides, it makes us too easy to dismiss if we’re using the same cheap semantical tricks as the right wing, and shouting down any opposition like they do.

So… love it or leave it? Personally I think a better choice is to point out the error.

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That’s not what I said, or even implied. I have no power here to “make” anyone else leave, and I would never even suggest such a thing.

Then your issue is with Rob, or more specifically, the way he chooses to write; take it up with him.



Nothing he says actually means anything, so it’s all worthless to me.

All I care about is long it takes to get rid of him, and how much irreparable damage is being done until that point finally comes.

As for your needless dick comment;


Set by who’s hand? Isn’t the degree and cause of meaninglessness perhaps relevant?

Good point. So why exactly do you care what I say? Am I holding a gun to your head and making you read it?

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